16.) Damn Alpha

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I changed the cover... Don't hate!

We were still in Asher's room. His arms were still placed on my shoulders while staring intently at me. I pulled away quickly and looked at him. My sinces were suddenly coming back to me and if anyone saw me, they would say I'm bipolar, which I'm not. I just have slow thinking and I forget quickly. Especially when food comes into the equation.

"You locked me in the room!" I stated in quite a loud manner. Yeah my anger was rising again. He tried to reach out for me but I moved away. A look of sadness crossed his face. Good. Be sad you poop head. "Savanna. Please. I was just trying to stall you until I could bring your breakfast. You would go exploring and get lost or probably run into some girls. I already told you the girls here are hurtful. They-" I cut him off before he could finish. Does he think I'm some weak human. "In case you are forgetting Asher, I am a werewolf. Which means I have since of smell to lead me to the kitchen and I could take down any human." My voice was calm. Mostly because if I yelled I'm sure someone would hear the 'I'm a werewolf' part.

He tried to step towards me again but I just moved one step back. "Yes. I do forget. I'm sorry princess. I'm not use to females having so much strength. I just want to protect you." His voice cracked. He knew it was wrong. I know that and I also know that now that he has me he wants nothing more then to keep me safe and alive. If he lost me then he would die. Literally. But if that meant tying and locking me up, well then he's gonna need a rude awakening.

"I don't like it. So quit doing it. I'm your mate Asher. Doing that doesn't help me in any way."

He shook his head

"Look. I'm your mate, not a fellow pack member. So this tying and locking the door sh!t has got to stop. I mean I get that your the most feared alpha out there and people respect you, yada yada, but I'm your mate." I ranted while poking his chest trying to prove my point. He cocked his head to the side with a confused look.

"Did you just say 'yada yada'?"

Mental face palm. I just gave him a mini speech and that's all he hears. "Yes. It means ect. Ect. But in yada language." I huffed out.

"There's a yada language?" Oh my gosh! "No! I made it up now quit changing the damn subject!" I yelled. He took a step closer to me as I took one back.

"Don't raise your voice at me pumpkin." Was he trying to look intimidating? Because he backed up against a wall. A smirk replaced his features as his hands went up beside my head on the wall caging me in.

"Will you quit trying to control me!" I practically whined. I even pouted my lip out. He let out a huff of air in defeat.
"I just don't want you to run away again."

I smiled slightly. I guess I see his point. "I haven't yet so why would I now?" I asked trying to see what's up his arse. Yes I said arse, sue me!

He chuckled lightly then looked away. "So what do you call jumping out a window?"


"Ha ha. Funny story. I wasn't running away, as you put it. Nope. I was doing a uh... Jump coin. Yep. You jump out the window and if you land on your butt it's like tails on a coin but on your face then it's heads on a coin... You get me?" Yeah way to go Savanna. Great cover up. Bravo.

Asher seemed to find it amusing and doubled over in loud laughter. Great. Now I'm humiliated. A frown covered my face as he came back to his senses.

"Just promise it won't happen again." He pleaded while leaning down eye level with me. His eyes put me in a trance and my words froze. Why was he so mouth watering? His hair was crazy and I just wanted to run my hands through it. Instead I brought my hand up to his neck. A simple touch to the mark I gave him and he gasped. The Sparks were flowing through us and the mark making it almost pleasurable to him. "I can't." I whispered. The marks made it impossible even if I wanted to leave. I guess I just need to figure something else out. A plan of some sort.

He nodded in understanding and a smile reached across his face. "That means your mine. Forever princess." He leaned down to my now smiling lips and gave a gentle peck. Once he pulled back I pushed his chest causing him to fall back out of shock. If he wasn't so relaxed I wouldn't have been a able to move him. A giggle escaped once he landed with a grunt on his butt. Anger etched his face so I did the one thing everyone knows. I ran.

I ran down the hall and to the stairs where I didn't get very far. He is an alpha after all. Muscular arms found there way around my waist right as I reached the bottom of the stairs. Asher threw me over his shoulder and walked back up the stairs as I punched his back.

"Asher put me down this instant or so help me- ow! Did you just slap my fuc*ing as*!" He did not!!! Oh just wait till I- he slapped it again!

"Shh princess. The pups can hear you." He whispered as we walked down the hall. Oh shoot. Now I feel bad. But hey does no one see the huge guy carrying a lady like an ape! No. I guess not.

Late update!




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