19.) Dominic

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After all the calling and preparing I started to smell heat, more like fire. Being crammed in Asher's office, I didn't think too much about the people coming to us quite yet. Heck it was still daylight outside? But somehow I knew.they set the house on fire. Panic quickly rose up in my stomach and I looked to Asher who seemed to be sniffing the air as well. We both looked at each other then he burst through the office door. I turned to Molly and grabbed her hand forcing her to follow us. Once we reached the stairs, flames were already fighting their way up it. Milky gasped lightly and we all ran to a nearby bedroom. I walked over to the window hurriedly and punched the window into pieces, kind of unnecessary but opening it would waste my patience. Molly looked at me strangely and I quickly shrugged. "Asher put Molly on your back please, I'll go first." And before Molly could reach out to stop me, I jumped out of the window. This time landing on my own two feet and Asher fell right beside me with a flabbergasted Molly. Her breathe was unsteady like she was terrified but still asked the annoying questions, "what the heck! Are you even human."

I smiled slightly at her sinisterly and shrugged again. "No time for questions Molly." But right when I turned around Asher yanked my arm and pulled me behind him next to Molly. I let out a small growl feeling like a rag doll causing Molly to stare down at me quizzically. Deciding to ignore her I peaked around Asher's shoulder only to freeze in place. My heart beat sped up at lightening speed and I cowered backwards in fear.

He's back. Dominic was standing right in front of us with an army of warriors behind him. Asher's father stood beside Him as well.

"Dominic." Asher growled out making me gasp. He knows him?

Dominic signature smirk appeared making my stomach flip into my heart. "Dear darling brother ! It's been too long!" He boasted out loud spreading his arms wide as if expecting a hug. My mouth fell open and I quickly backed up more hoping to get far away from Asher. I thought I could trust him. My own mate!

Dominic then looked towards me, an evil smile lighting his face. "And I see you've found my mate."

Asher let out a loud growl letting "MINE" be rung out across the field causing my fur to stand tall at his authority.

Molly seemed to be shaking uncontrollably at these two wolves interacting, let alone the fire right beside us that was slowly destroying the pack house. I quickly made my way to her and held her hand hoping we could give each other strength which she smiled gratefully at. I then put my hand on Asher's back hoping to calm him down. Deep down, I hope Asher wasn't involved. I hope he doesn't know a thing.

"She didn't tell you Bro?" Dominic's voice cut my train of thought. "We're lovers. She's lived with me all her life."

Asher started to shake uncontrollably and small sprouts of fur was making its way through his skin. I rubbed his back but his arm quickly grabbed mine bringing me away from Molly and to his chest letting him sniff my neck in a calming way.

I felt eyes on me. Many eyes but one pair stuck out the most making me fall weak to the knees. My fear taking over. Asher seemed to come back to his senses and asked the question we were all waiting for, "What have you done Dominic"

HE laughed then. A dark long evil laugh. Asher's father only shaking his head at his... Son? Wow things were starting to click. Asher's father is Dominic's father. So on the phone that day... His father knew of the plan? That means maybe Asher- no. Could he?

Dominic snapped his fingers in that moment making both Asher and Molly fall to there knees. I fell down to my knees trying to see the problem with Asher but to no avail, finally looking at Domonics other side I saw a women with her eyes glowing white. The women looked strangely familiar then I realized. She was the elder lady that told me about mates. But could she be... A witch? Everything was just turning fuzzy now and I couldn't understand.

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