Chapter Two - Meet Alyssa and Isabella, the invincible duo.

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"It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday. Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend. Friday, Friday. Gettin' down on Friday. Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend."

"Isabella!" I screamed but it was too late and she was already gone.

I was left lying in her hot pink, polka dot, queen sized bed having to listen to her awful alarm blaring the dreadful yet catchful song to remind us what day it was, Friday by Rebecca Black. As per usual I leant over to turn it off but my hand collided with the wooden table top and all I felt was air. I pushed myself into a sitting position so I could look for it but I couldn't locate it. Fuck.

"Bells" I screamed yet again, "please make it stop!"

This time she finally appeared holding breakfast as the alarm faded out. One steaming cup of coffee and a smirk on her face.

"You do realise you look like a panda?" she asked.

"Fuck off. I know I look hot as always" I replied pursing my lips into a big, ugly pout.

I leant over to grab the coffee but as I was, Isabella was leaning over to give it to me. We bumped heads and somehow the mug managed to slip right out of her hands into the air...and all over her long, strawberry blonde hair and barely there pjs. Luckily the mug smashed next to her foot and not on it.

"Fuck. Shit. Crap. What the fuck. Fuck cunt. Oh my god" exclaimed Bells along with a high pitched shriek.

"Jeez Bells. Calm down with the swearing will you?"


"Go have a shower then drama queen" I said rolling my eyes.

She turned around and stormed out of the room grabbing the already laid out uniform off the bed.

That person right there is my best friend.

I unlocked my phone in the hopes of a possible text message from a certain boy, but no luck. Just endless missed calls from my mother. I was meaning to give her a call back but once I saw the time I realised if I didn't get ready now, I would be late to school and another mark against my attendance record is not what I needed at the moment.

I ran around Bells room throwing on our school uniform consisting of an ugly navy, pleated, woolen skirt and a white polo top. Quickly applying double coat of mascara and generous amounts of liquid eyeliner I was ready to roll. Wait, scrap that, after a layer of bronzer, a bit of lip balm and some white eye shadow, I was actually ready to go.

Bells waltzed into the room all ready for school and looking like a doll with that gleaming strawberry blonde hair of hers in a waterfall braid while mine was unruly and out. Sometimes I just let the knots take over my dull, brown hair.

Out the door and off to school we were.


I sat in maths wondering what the hell our teacher was on about. Something about lower quartile and statistics or whatever. I was just so glad we managed to avoid a scene with Monique Jackson.

To quote Mean Girls; "how do I even begin to describe" Monique? 

That's actually quite easy in fact. I could fire off a few right now.

Monique Jackson is a skank, bitch, backstabber, manipulative whore, liar and a cow. Do I need to go on or do you get the point? What's so wrong about this oh-so-lovely looking "exotic" girl?

Monique and I have never been friends. I tried to be friends with her in Year 7 once but that was a complete fail. I opened up to her and told her a few secrets in the hopes that this was the start of a blooming new friendship but boy was I wrong. I logged on to Myspace (back in those good old days) only to find all the secrets I've told her splashed in everyone's comments. That taught me a thing or two about trusting the wrong people. At school the next day everyone laughed at me, and at a small school it's hard to hide from their poisonous laughs. Some good did come from this though, I met Isabella London. Back then she was my knight in shining armour, now she's my best friend.

Any way for the past 3 years Monique has declared some kind of stupid war against us. Every morning, during periods, recess, lunch and after school she would try to make our lives as hell as possible. Luckily for me, I didn't share any classes with her but Bells did. The mean, lean, ugly subject of cooking.

"Ahhh-liss-saaaah!" someone sung out.

I looked up to see my math teacher with his whiteboard marker pointing at me.

"If you could please snap out of your daydream and tell me what the lower quartile of this set of data is then I'll let the whole class out 5 minutes early."

The whole class groaned in protest. If you haven't already noticed, I don't exactly pay attention in class.

"Well sir..." I began when I saw light flash in my lap.

A text message flashed up from Bells:

"its 43 slut. hurry th fuck up."

Once again, she's come to my rescue.

"Well sir," I began again, feeling more confident "obviously it's 43."

He looked at me with dismay and cocked an eyebrow.

"Uh, that's all may leave now."

Now praises and sighs of relief replaced the groans. I mentally thanked Bells.

On my way to textiles I bumped into a solid figure. My lack of focus generally got me into situations like this. This has happened so many times that I even had a prepared speech for it.

"I'm so sorry about that. I just sometimes lose track of..." I began but as I saw who it was, my mind went blank.

Remember how earlier this morning I checked my phone for text messages from a certain boy? This was the certain boy. 

He looked down at me with those beautiful blue eyes and his shaggy dirty blonde hair swished to the side. I took him all in. From his beautiful jaw to his lovely shaped eyebrows, all I saw was perfection. I know he sounds like the stereotypical hottie, well he was, but he ahd so much more to him. 

"Hey, no worries babe" he said so adorably then walked away.

That was Liam Jackson. Unfortunately related to Monique but not by blood, thank goodness. It's so cliche, the beautiful heroine falling in love with the evil witch's very handsome brother, but it has happened to me.

I just couldn't shake him out of my head. No way would I be able to concentrate during textiles now. For the rest of the day it would be Liam this and Liam that. Poor Bells had to put up with it everytime there was any contact between him and I. Hold that thought...I should text her to tell her what happened. This was news that could not wait until recess.

"my god bells. he called me babe! x"

"who r u talkin bout? xo"

"liam duh silly! x"

"oh yeh lol. tell me more @ recess? xo"

"r u seerz? fine x"

Maybe she didn't share the same love I had for him. I hope she didn't because that would be mega catastrophic. My best friend in love with my soon-to-be boyfriend. That just couldn't happen. She knew how much I liked him. It would be so horrifying. Oh no. Why did I have that thought? Soon I'll burst out with that accusation and we'll start fighting and oh my go-

In a flash my books flew into the air and fell with a thud to the ground. Another careless bump thanks to yours truly. It wasn't only my books that had landed on the ground. I was so sure that I didn't take advanced maths...or physics. I took a look at my latest victim.

Oh. My. God.

A/N: Photo of Isabella in right hand column.

I've had some confusion so I'll clear it up. Isabella and Alyssa are 16 years old.

High school in Australia is from Year 7 to Year 12.

I've based their timetable on my school one which is-

Period 1, Period 2, Recess, Period 3, Lunch and then Period 4

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