Chapter Seven - The Fight

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"You're just jealous cunt!" I yelled.

"Don't you dare call me that filthy word! I'm trying to help you here, why don't you just listen to me Ly-" 

"Help me?" I scoffed, "you have got to be kidding. I was happy for you, it upset me a bit but I was happy for me. Why can't you just be happy for me? Why? It's not much to ask for. Instead you make up all these lies."

"Don't you understand! They're not fucking lies! We've been talking and it makes sense."

"You and your boyfriend" I spat out.

"You said you were okay with it! Don't be such a jealous cow now! I came to talk sense into you but I see that's not going to work. If you don't trust me then I guess...we're done."

"Fine, fuck off. It's not like you were a good friend anyway. You fucking, self-concieted, piece of shi-"

Beep beep beep.

I stared at my phone wondering what had just happened. It took me a few seconds to realise and when I did I couldn't stop it. First one tear started to slide out then one after another furiously following each other. I curled into a foetal position and cried into my hands. 

This couldn't be happening. I couldn't be losing the person I trusted the most. I couldn't be losing my other half. I couldn't lose my heart and soul. Yet, I was.

I was losing Isabella.

A/N: Sorry for a super dooper short chapter. The next chapter will be double my usual length to makeup for it. Thank you for all the amazing support <3

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