Chapter Four - What happened with Marcus, stays with Marcus

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"I'll be at yours in 5"

"Mum's home for once!"

"Oh really? That's pretty cool. See you soon?"

"Yeah. Love you Bells."

"Love you too. Bye."


Bells sat with her legs dangling over my bed. She pulled off her socks to reveal her emerald, mermaid green toe nails. Ever since I had met her her toe nails were always this colour. Every day it was shimmering proudly and perfectly done. I don't know how Bells could possible stand keeping her nails one colour for so long. I had always changed mine depending on my mood. I was that kind of girl.

"Have you seen the new guy in our year?" Bells asked.

"What new guy?" I replied curiously.

As far as I knew they weren't any new guys in our year level. If there was I would've known as soon as he arrived. That's just the way our year level was. We scoped out every new person determining whether they were cool enough to hang with us. Sometimes that person would bounce along with a few groups before having to settle with the losers because they weren't pretty enough or too weird. Call us superficial or whatever but that's high school.

"I think I may have a little crush on him. He's not the usual hottie but there's something mysterious about him. He has shiny, sleek dark brown hair. It's so shiny I just want to lick it all off!"

"Ew, gross Bells."

"Whatever. When I stare into his eyes I sort of disappear. I don't even see myself in his eyes because they're such an intense shade of brown. He is so mesmerising."

"He sounds familiar...I think I may have seen him around. Wait, Bells, you stared into his eyes? Have you even talked to him? You were with me the whole day."

"Of course I've talked to him silly. He's in my foods class. Duh" she replied rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say and his name is?"

"It's like, Marcus...something. He's in Kelsey's class."

I tensed up at the mention of his name. Marcus.

Bells obviously didn't notice my mood change because she continued talking about him.

"Doesn't that sound so perfect? Marcus and Isabella. Isabella and Marcus. Marcus...and Isabella. Isabella...and Marcus. Marcus and Isabella. Isabella and..."

I zoned out after a her first few "Isabella and Marcus"s and continued to read the article in the magazine I had on my lap.

"How to deal with your ex guy best friend turning up at your school."

That was scarily accurate. I don't think I'll be taking their advice though because it was suggested to run, to hide and to disappear. No way would I be running away from him. He should be the one running away from me after what had happened...

"AY-LISSSSS-AHHH" someone screamed in my ear.

"Fuck Bells. What did you do that for?"

"You were doing your whole daydreaming thingo when you should have been listening to moi."

"Well sorry if I don't really give a shit about you and Marcus" I snapped.

"Calm down Fliss Floss."

"Don't call me Fliss Floss! You know how much i hate it!"

"Whatever...Fliss Floss" she replied trying to hide a giggle.

I glared at her. Bells couldn't control it anymore and let her giggle out. I tried to look as pissed off as I could but unfortunately I caught her giggles and pretty soon we were both lying on my bed laughing our heads off. Through my tears from laughter I saw a head at my door.

"Hey," I giggled "mum."

She continued to just look at me absentmindedly.


Still no reply.

"Mum!" I yelled.

That woke her up because she jumped to attention and her eyes widened in shock.

"Why'd you yell at me darling?"

"Because you didn't hear me the first few times!"

Isabella started giggling which set me off again as well. Mum just stared at us and shook her head.

"I was just thinking about how I ever got such a beautiful daughter and how did she get to have such a beautiful best friend" mum said.

"Aw shucks Mrs J" replied Bells.

"You're so embarassing"  I groaned.

"L-O-L peeps. See you later alright. I just came up to tell you I'm going to Coles soon" mum told us.


Tonight was a sleepover night and as we were laying in my bed, just listening to some Justin Bieber, Bells suddenly started talking.

"You know what I've realised?" she continued before I could even answer, "you know Marcus."

"What do you mean? I've never heard about him in my life" I lied.

She turned to look at me.

"You know I hate it when you lie to me. Call it whatever you want but I call it best friend intuitive."

I resisted the temptation to roll my eyes at her. Trust Bells to come up with something so 'spiritual'.

"Tell me everything" she continued.

She continued to stare at me with pleading eyes until I finally gave in.

"Fine, you win. I do know Marcus. In fact we used to be best friends."

"What happened?" she asked intrigued.

I told her the story. Every single detail from the looks on his face and my feelings of guilt. Throughout the whole thing her eyes never left my face. Bells continued to listen to me despite all the horrible things that had happened. It killed me to talk about it but at the same time I felt freed. After I had finally finished telling the story with tears on the verge of falling Bells got up.

I began to shake inside. I was afraid that after that she wouldn't want to be my friend any more, I had been so horrible. Instead of walking out of the door Bells pulled out a tissue and started wiping my tears which had inconveniently fallen at the thought of her hating me. I leant over to her and started crying even harder on her shoulder while she pulled me in and hugged me tight.

"It wasn't your fault. You were only 12" she whispered.

That made me cry even more. All along I thought Bells would judge me if I had told her what I had done but she didn't. She was there for me. I shouldn't have doubted anything.

I lifted my head and smiled at her weakly. Just when I had thought I was all out of tears, Bells kissed me on my forehead, and the waterworks started again. I hated being so emotional.

"Alyssa, there's someone at the door for you" mum yelled up the stairs.

I didn't even hear the door bell ring! There was no way I was going to answer the door looking like this. It was almost as if Bells had read my thoughts because she got up and told me that she would go see who it was.

I followed her out and perched at the top of the stairs so that I could hear their conversation but they wouldn't be able to see me.

"Hi...Isabella!? What are you doing here?" asked mystery man.

"Marcus?!" replied Bells.

Marcus. Marcus was at my door.

A/N: I'm sorry for always leaving you on cliffhangers. You do eventually find out about what happened between Marcus and Alyssa, just not in this chapter. Thank you guys so much for all the support. I've been up and down the What's Hot list. It's been great! <3

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