Chapter Six - Double Dates

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I stood facing the school entrance. Today would be a new day. Over the weekend I had vowed to change myself. I stood there staring at the students that were arriving at school. They all had the same expressions plastered on their faces. It was that look you'd put on where you pretended to enjoy going to school for the sake of seeing your friends but in reality you hated it. You hated everything about going to schhol. From the teachers, the work to your "firends." They were all fake.

As I was just standing there facing the school somebody tapped my shoulder. I whipped my head around and inaudibly groaned.

"What?!" I snapped before he could even get a noise out of his mouth.

"Uh..." he began as he was fiddling with his fingers, "I just wanted know..."

"Spit it out Marcus!" I snapped once again, narrowing my eyes.

His eyes looked from left to right before settling on the ground.

"Don't worry" Marcus mumbled before shuffling into school.

I rolled my eyes. I wonder what was his problem. My mood had definitely turned sour.

As I headed towards the locker bay I bumped into Liam. Yet again my mood became light and cheerful. The first period hadn't even begun yet and I had already experienced so many emotions.

"It seems that every time we have a normal conversation, it's by bumping into each other! Can I ask you something later?" Liam exclaimed.

All I could do was nod my head weakly in reply.

"Sorry but I have to go to the dunny right now. Talk to you later?" he said turning around and walking away before I could even reply.

He left me speechless and in a daze. He had the power to turn a confident, loud girl shy. My eyes began to glaze over as I started to daydream about how life would be with him when somebody latched their arms around me from behind. I pulled away from the hug and turned around to come face-to-face with Bells. She had a stricken expression on her face.

"Bells, what's wrong?" I asked while shaking her.

"Please don't hate me. Please don't hate me. Please don't hate me" she murmured in response.

"Why would I hate you? Tell me what's wrong" I pleaded, before guiding her to the toilets after I noticed the stares we were receiving.

"Marcus.." she started, "Marcus..he, um, he sort of, um...Mar-"

"Just tell me!" I yelled, interrupting her rambling.

"Marcus asked me out" she whispered meekly, averting her eyes to her shoes.

"What did you tell him?" I asked as my eyes widened.


"Did you say no?"


"You said yes?!"


"Oh my god. You did!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" she repeated profusely.

"Bells, I don't know what the hell you were thinking but if that's what you want then I guess I'm fi-"

Beep beep beep. 

I took out my phone to check our interruption. I had a text message waiting from a number I didn't recognise. As I opened the message my body began to feel numb.

"um, hey, so this is liam. i waz wnderng if u'd lyk 2 go out wif me. movies 2nite?"

Bells must have sensed the mood change because she immediately headed towards my phone. She leaned her head over my shoulder to read the message. As she read the message I heard her gasp. 

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