Chapter Five - Dreams and fears.

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I guess I must've said that out loud because Bells side stepped to look at me. As she did Marcus stepped into the house and followed her in the same direction. I had two pair of eyes on me, one pleading for a talk, the other unsure of what to do.

Marcus was the first to speak up.

"Alyssa. I was hoping you were home.  We really need to talk. Look, I forgive you alright. I just have to talk to you. It's been too long without my best friend."

I just stood there at the top of the stairs staring him down. Throughout his whole "bravado" speech all I felt was hatred. Everything he had said I had thought the opposite of. How could everything feel so wrong?

"Look Marcus. We're not best friends anymore. Isabella London right there, is my best friend. My one and only."

I pointed to her but instead of standing tall and proud Bells was hiding her face and trying to shy away. If I were in her position I might have done the same thing. Nothing was worse than being a bystander in our so-called conversation.

"Please Alyssa" pleaded Marcus.

"I can't do this right now. Marcus, just get the hell out of my house."

"But Alyssa.."

"Now!" I screeched tears once again re-appearing.

I hated the fact that he had made me look like the victim when all three of us knew for a fact that I was most certainly not the victim. I wasn't going to let him forgive me because what I did was unforgivable. We stopped being best friends years ago so why did he feel as thought we still were? Questions began buzzing through my head. Why did Marcus have to come back? Everything was going so well for me. But of course, karma decided to strike. What goes around, comes around.

"Darling?" mum asked, suddenly appearing in front of me.

She opened up her arms and I tried to sink into them as much as I could without falling down the stairs. Five years ago this would not have been the situation. Instead of me crying in her arms, my mum would have been the cause of the crying but today wasn't five years ago. Today was today.

"Hey mum..." I sniffled, "whenever I cry again, can you slap me?"

"Don't be silly darling! Crying is natural. I haven't seen you cry like this since you fell down the slide when you were six."

"But crying is so" more sniffles, "weak."

"Don't you ever think that. You are a strong gir-"

"Guys? I'm still here!" interrupted Bells.

My sniffles were replaced with laughter. It was so Isabella London to interrupt such sentimental moments but I loved her for it. Whenever I got serious, seriously emotional, Bells was there to snap me out of it. It was a good thing that I was rarely emotional to save her all the troubles.

"Sorry Bells. Do you want to go play Halo infection?"

"Fuck yeah! I'm going to beat your ass bitch."

"No way hoe-say! I've dominated your ass a million times."

"Keep dreaming Fliss Floss."

As we were racing to the game room I saw my mum shaking her head.

"Girls these days..." she mumbled.


We were lying arm to arm in my bed. This night had not turned out the way I had hoped it would but that didn't matter because at this moment I was with the person I loved more than a billion diamonds. Scrap that. I was with the person I loved more than a billion books. Oh, and I totally owned her in Halo.

"Do you ever think about dying?" Bells asked into the silent room.

"No" I replied but I lied.

I did think about dying. Just...sometimes.

"What about life? Do you ever think about life?" she continued.

"What do you mean? We're living life."

"No, like, I mean why are we on Earth? Why do bad things happen to good people? Is there God? Is there any reason to live?"

"Well, I guess if no one was alive...there wouldn't be civilisations and the planet would be thriving without humans ruining it. Bad things happen to good people to keep them strong. You know what I mean?"

"I guess..."

"See, imagine if everything in life went perfectly for you and then all of a sudden this horrible thing happens. It would break you into a million little pieces and you'd be puzzled as to where to pick up the pieces."

"Yeah, I get it now. Goodnight Lyss" Bells said in a lacklustre voice.

"Night...hey Bel?" I asked waiting for her to reply.

"Yeah what?"

"You're my bestest best friend you know. I love you."

"Ditto babe."

As I drifted into sleep, thoughts of death entered my mind. The fantasy of it. Death always seemed so mythical yet you see it every day on the news. It wasn't something you could put your hand out to and touch. Death just wasn't....real.

A/N: I'm sorry for this short chapter.

I'm sorry for also keeping you on your toes about what happened between Marcus and Alyssa! 

20 votes and comments before I post the next chapter? Love you loads x

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