Chapter 4

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** Luke's POV ** 

Finally, I finally got to kiss Grace. I have been wanting this moment for so long now, and it has finally come. 

"Eh hemm" someone at the door coughed. We both stopped, and looked at who was standing there. It was Grace's Dad. Grace quickly grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her naked body.

"Er, sorry I don't want to interupt anything, but I got a call from work, and I've got to go make a delievery, so I wondered if you could go and pick up Jasper and Amelia?" he said, awkwardly looking down at the floor. "Sorry for walking in on what you guys were.... er... doing.. On the plus side, at least Luke wasn't naked too!" He chuckled, as he walked out of Grace's bedroom.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God" Grace said, and she closed her eyes, and put her hands to her face. "What the fuck just happened?!"

"Well, basically, we were in a deep intimidate passionate kiss, while you were naked and I was clothed and there was only a towel between us, and then your dad walked in and then asked you to pick up the twins and then said thankful that I wasn't naked, and then walked out!" I smiled at Grace, who still had her head in her hands.

"Yeah, I know what happened you dick" she replied, laughing, and hitting my arm, "I just can't believe it happened!" 

"What, that we kissed or that your dad walked in?" I questioned.

"Both really.. I mean, what's going to happen now? To be honest, dad didn't really care that much, did he?" Grace said as she walked towards her wardrobe to look for clothes to wear.

"Nah, he didn't it's fine, well I'm not sure, what do you want to happen?" I asked, as I walked back closer to her, and slipped my arms around her waist. 

"Well, I'm not sure.." I knew she wanted this as much as I did, she just wasn't making it as obvious. "I feel that, we're better off as friends, more than we are a couple Luke."

I'm sorry, what?? Did I just hear that?

"You know I still love you" she continued as she turned around and kissed my cheek. 

"Yeah, I feel that too.." I lied. I lied way too much there. I didn't feel that at all. 

I released Grace from my embrace, as she rumunged for clothes to put on and as I checked my phone. I clicked the group text with the boys, Calum, Ashton and Michael, and typed: Yo, I don't know what's happened to band practice today, blame Cal, but if you're free later do you all wanna come over mine for a bit?

 I think an xbox session was definitely on the cards.

I got replies back from the boys confirming that they'll be over later and that Ashton would pick them up at 4 and be at mine at 4:10. That gave me time to shower, s'all good.

"Hey Grace, do you want to start heading to your grandparents to pick up the twins, it's nearly 2" I checked the time on my phone.

Although Grace had chucked on some leggings, an oversized top which was probably mine, and some vans, she still looked beautiful.

"You ready?" I asked Grace, she nodded as we walked downstairs, and out the front door.

I walked with her to her grandparents, and picked up the twins. 

"Grace, can I have a piggyback, my legs are tired" Amelia said, as he pouted. 

"Hmm, girls vs boys piggyback races back to ours?" Grace smirked as she looked up at me.

"YES!!" Jasper and Amelia shouted in unison.

"Ok fine, if you must!" I agreed, as Jasper hopped onto my back, and Amelia climbed onto Grace's.

I ran with Jasper on my back, ahead of Grace and Amelia. Although this dude was only 10, he was very heavy. 

"OI LUKE, NICE ASS" I heard Grace shout from behind me.

I stopped, and turned around, and she ran straight past me. "NICE TACTICS GRACE, TOO BAD I'M FASTER THAN YOU!" I shouted back, as I caught up with her. 

We were only a few metres away from the front lawn of Graces house, and as we both fell onto the grass in front of us. Jasper and Amelia then got into an argument about who won as they were walking into the house.

"Hey Grace, I'm going to go home to shower before the boys come to mine, I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I walked towards her with open arms. 

"Ok, have fun, thank you for staying with me last night." Grace replied as she walked into my arms, and wrapped hers around my back. 

"No worries, I er had a fun time" I warily said, as I released her embrace.

"So did I" Grace chuckled, her laugh was so cute. 

"Bye beautiful" I lastly said before I walked over to mine.

I walked into the front door to have my brother bombard me with about 625689473 questions.

"Are you a couple yet?" "Did you ask her out?" "Did you tell her?" "Did you do it?" 

"Fuck off Ben" I bluntly said.

"Hahahahaha, fuck hahahaha, she doesn't want you does she?"

"I told you to fuck off" and with that I walked upstairs to my room, to go into the shower.

Maybe Ben was right, maybe she actually doesn't want me, and I'm just going to get hurt. I need to stop thinking she does actually like me, because it's obvious that she doesn't. Damn, I do some deep thinking in the shower.

I got out the shower, chucked on some trackies and a singlet. Around 4 o'clock, the boys came over and we played FIFA on my xbox.

The question that I had been anticipating from the boys duration of being at mine, was just asked.

"What's happening with you and Grace then?" Calum asked, trying to be subtle but obviously not working.

"Not much really.." I replied. Michael, Ashton and Calum all glanced at me in a 'sure whatever, you guys are blatantly hooking' kind of way.

I felt awkward, as I am such an awkward person, as my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I got it out, and saw a text from Grace, I unlocked my phone to read:

I'm sorry, I was wrong, I want to give us a go, I think we'd be an amazing couple ((((no cockiness))). But yeah, I think we should give it a go. I love you x

Thank the fucking lord.


*victory screech* i actually finally wrote this, it took me all day because i kept getting distracted lol

but yeah, i probs wont update now until next friday because school ugh life why


maybe i will

maybe i wont

leave me feedback ye on here or on tumblr : perksofhemmings

thank you love lauren x

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