The Hospital Wing

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Marlene POV
Its been a week and lils still hasn't gotten up. Its depressing really. James sits by her everyday alice avery and I meet her everyday and after that all the marauders and later on we all sit in the common room and someone's is always shedding a tear in fear of us losing lily.

Alice POV
Why does lils have to take up all the pain all the time!? I mean can't it just be someone else? I sob and frank hugs me.

Avery POV
I wish lils was here. We all need her.

Marauders POV
Peter: lils was kind to me. I miss her.
Sirius: uh. Lily flower. We miss you.
Remus: We're friends right? Please come back.
James: I think I love you Lily

James POV
"Lils I don't know if you'll hear this or not but I think I love you?"
Lily moves in her sleep and whimpers because of a gash that still hasn't recovered. "Oh lils" I put my hands undee her shoulders and lift her moving her to another side so she's comfortable. She moves again this time opening her eyes I smile. "Hey lils" "h-hi" she says and tries to get up but is too weak and flops on the bed with a whimper. I feel sad seeing her like this and she slowly and softly asks "james?" "Ya lils" "d-do you still like me?"

Lily POV
Ugh. I have a head ache or pretty much a body ache. And I don't want to be a burden james. As I ask the question his face looks shocked. I blush and say "Never mind sorry" I slowly press my hands against my head, "lily?" "Yes." "Why would you think I wouldn't like you?" "Its just you've asked me out nonstop since first year and it just feels weird for it to stop. I mean james Potter hasn't asked me out yet and its already October." I say laughing as he joins in but then my head hurts ani feel nauseous I hold it in "well I still like you." James says but I think my face paled because james squeezed my hand an d said "lils are you okay." "James can you bring pomphrey I feel naus- I gag james yells "madame pomphrey!" She rushes over as I squeeze James's hand. Madame carries a potion. "Here dear for the nausea and pain" "thank you' she nods. I feel better.  "Um madame when can I go back?" "Lily dear a week. There'll be way more worst things other than nausea throughout the month if you don't stay. James nods. My eyes grow bigger the green brighter than ever "is there something wrong lils?" James asks I nod. I need to use the washroom. "Madame pomphrey?" "Yes misa Evans?" I get up using all the strength I have and james's hand around me when she's close enough I whisper "I need to use the washroom." She nods. "Mr. Potter please help miss Evans stand up. James helps and then "madame pomphrey says "this won't last long but use enough to get there and back." I blush drinking the strengthening potion. I walk out do my stuff come out and james is gone and pomphrey makes me some privacy to change after I do there are three special girls waiting to talk to me. I smile.

Alice POV
Finally lils is back!

Marlene POV
Party. We need a party.

Avery POV
"LILS!" "AVERY!" Lily squeaks in response and bites her lip "im not ddoing that again.' We all burst into high giggles. "Lils we need to throw a party. I mean you're back!" Lily laughs. "Well I'm not allowed outside the wing for a week." "Leave that to me." Marlene grins. Marlene goes up to her and says can lily come now? "No." Now? "No." Now? No! Now?! No! I laugh along with lily now?! Ugh. You're not stopping are you? Nope. Take good care of her. If you insist.

Lily POV
I laugh "Marls!" We all laugh then comes the hardest part I have to walk. Alice has one shoulder avery the other and marls talks with me to keep me happy. I dont deserve them honestly . When we get to the common room sirius runs up to me anhugs me and says "LILYFLOWEE!!" "Uh Sirius I appreciate this but do you realise I'm holding onto you for LIFE?!" "Yes." He chuckles and carries me bridal style I groan becse I have no strength to give a good fight. James glares at him and he lays me down of the couch. James smiles at me I smile back. But then I tense up I still remember what sev I mean Snape did to me actually its not the spell its the words 'I wouldnt want to be friends with a mudblood I mean I'm used to the word but him. Still gives me a shock. A shed a tear but wipe it immediately ugh. Why do I cry so much now? I thought nobodhy saw but james and marls did. Marls came over and said "About that party" I smile even though I doubt I'm be able to walk less dance. I walk around slowly with marls by my side and jamess worried expression oh how I loved that note the sarcasm and after a while I could walk a little faster I said "I'm taking a shower." James raised an eyebrow I raised one too he smirked I walked over to the washroom in the heads room and showered, magically dried my hair and then sat Down on the bed. Im singing that song right now tears become into sobs  quiet into hard heavy loud ones I catch my breath every thirty seconds as I sob another time so tired I nearly Fall onto the bed but some warm strong arms hold me I cuddle into them slightly sobbing. They hold me righter and before I know it I fall asleep.

Alice POV
I walk into Lily's room and see lils and james asleep I call marlene anwe both nod I snap a picture on a camera and as this is a magical camera I can see what'll happen afterwards when they wake up. Me and maels grin and go back.

Lily POV
I wake up blushing. I'm in james potters arms right now. Actually I've been in them for two hours sleeping. I raise an eyebrow taking in how innocent d cute she looks when he's sleeping and how he is when he's awake I smile. He moves so I close my eyes pretending to sleep I can feel his eyes burning into me "lils I know you're not sleeping." He chuckled. I peeked. We both started laughing. Unexpectedly I leaned in he leaned in too we kissed. It wasn't super long of anything itbwas short and sweet. Wait I just kissed james Potter the boy who was immature for six years in Hogwarts but suddenly turns mature? I just didn't want someone to break my heart. I blushed looking at the floor in came alice.
"Lilsss!" I look at her she has a picture in her hand. Oh no. She flips it I'm in james arms in one the then me k-ing him. "ALICE PREWETT I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" She screams runs with the picture. I leap out of the bed and literally sprint towards her in one !minute I'm out of the castle and have alice handing me the picture. We both runback inside and I'm happy because I've fully recovered ancan walk and run again d you would expect me to throw it away I put it safely in a journal.

James POV
Woah. Lils is quite the runner.

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