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James POV
Me d lils walked up the tower to divination. We found professor merrythought talking about crystal balls "today we will be using crystal balls they are a very sacred this that blah blah blah I get bored and think of Marlene's dare and then write a note to lily on parchment Hey when are our head duties? She wrote back 10:30 to 11:30 we had to set up the hogsmeade date , Halloween ball and ofcourse the marauders halloween prank and oh yeah we had to go up the astronomy tower because for some reason everyone loves shagging and snogging there. Half jokingly half willingly I write down hey Evans wanna go out with me? I get response of you wish potter! I silently chuckle.

Lily POV
Professor merrythought assigned me and james as partners. Indevination we need to make up a story because this is the only subject I'm utterly confused at along with everybody so we usually make up a story like 'I saw Bellatrix fall off a tower' or something like that so when me and james stare into the n crystal ball we expect nothing. But I let out a "what?" Because there was baby in our ball I ask james if he sees him and he nods. He has James's messy black hair and my green eyes. I stare at him in shock. James grins but I lightly punch him in the arm. I-if the baby was there then the dream? No. Its divination for gods sake! But I have to admit I had never seen something like that before. I took a deep breath and wrote down what I saw in the ball. And professor merrythought smiled anwalked away. James tapped my shoulder and grins I roll my eyes and walk away still in utter confusion. I need a girls night later on tomorrow. Anyway james grins from ear to ear like he had won something.

James POV
Was what I mean WE saw real? I walked over to padfoot and moony and wormtail and told them what happened in the common room. "I call godfather!" Sirius screams. Lily walks in d says "let's not get too ahead of ourselves." I look at her. "I mean that was divination right? Has divination been clear ever?" I nod a little sad. "She is telling the truth." But still add in. "But.. If it is true liky-flower that means we also get marr- "shh!" She shushes me and walks away. I laugh.

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