Head Duties and Dates

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@Avery POV
"Hey rem!" I said when remus was approaching me. "Hi ave. Hey I was wondering would or will you go with me to hogsmeade?" He blushes. I smile so sweet. "Yeah! Of course!" "See you there then." He says I nod and kiss him on the cheek. He's so sweet and cute definitely my type of a guy.

Marlene POV
"Bonjour madamwoiselle." Sirius was coming into the girls dorm with a red rose in his mouth. I chuckle."will you give me the paseure of being your date to hogsmeade?" He said kissing my hand. "I shall." I say as he drops the rose in my hand. I giggle. Definitely my type.

Alice POV
I'm not sure frank'll be able to come for the hogsmease thing ah well. Wait a second is i-is that frank?! It is! I leap onto him as he catches me. He crouches and says will you Alice prewett be my date to hogsmeade?" I nod excited. Just my type.

Peter POV
Well I don't have a date to hogsmeade. I never do. So I think I'm gonna sit in a corner doing nothing. Wait. I look behind me to see if there's someone else here. A girl is coming. A girl is coming towards ME! Uh oh what did I do?! "Hey pete!" "Hi." "Do you have a date yet?" "Nope." I say. "So will you be mine?" "Sure!" O my god! I have a date!

A few hours later at 10:30 pm...
James POV
"C'mon let's go." Lily ushers me into McGonagall's office. "Miss Evans mr. Potter I was expecting you please take a seat." Lily starts in her graceful organized voice "professor McGonagall first we start with the prefect meeting : we need it for the updates and now for the Halloween ball committee." She nods lily goes on and ends with the hogsmeade date tomorrow and then at 11:00 we go to the stairs to check up on the tower. "Ugh. I hate these stairs. I swear one day I will die on them." Lily said. I grinned. I flung her up and carried her bridal style. "James!" She laughed. Okay after everything I'll sing her the song. When we got the top I let her down.

Lily POV
I laughed and got off. But my smile was then replaced by a frown. At least half the school was up there snogging and shagging the pants off each other. This was the hardest job of being headgirl to me. "Why do they all do it in the same room?" I ask James. He let's out a chuckle and says "no idea." After a 20 mins james turns my w and says they are all now fully clothed. I nod. And tell them all to go to their SEPARATE dorms. They groan and get up. After their gone I rub my eyes and am about to go to my form but james takes my hand and starts running I run too and scream "what's this about?!" "You'll see!"

James POV
So I kinda figured out how a thousand years was Lily's favourite song. So im singing it in male version. Plus I have been waiting six years! I just hope she understands I'm not a good singer. I start from the middle.

'Time stands still beauty in all she is
I will be brave I will not let anything
Take away what's standing in front of me every breath every hour has come to this.
Lily sings with me

One step closer
(Botgh of them sing.)
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more.
All along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for thousand years.
I'll love you for a thousand more. (Guys this is by Christina Perri by the way.-levans1116)
One step closer
One step closer.
I have died everyday wait for you darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more. All along I believed I would find you times has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more. One step closer me and lily get closer.
One step closer. We finish with a sweet delicate kiss stopping to breathe. "Lily Evans will you be my girlfriend slash date to hogsmeade?"

Lily POV
There were tears in my eyes. "Yes." I nodded. James looked happy person alive! He swung me around and stopped when I got dizzy clinging onto him. We walked hand in hand and heart in heart to our head dorms. Before I needed a girls night. Now al marls and ave would MAKe me have one. I smiled and went to bed.

James POV
"JAMES JAMES!" I heard Lily's voice and quickly ran over. I found lily still asleepnwith tears streaming down her eyes. And kept fidgeting around the bed. I quickly woke her up. "Lils!" She opened her eyes and instantly hugged me tightly. She was out of her breath. Crying for a minute breathing in and out for another. 'T-those d-dreams" she whispered. They had scared the life of her. "Harry." She whispered. I looked at her in confusion. "Who?" "We name our son harry in the d-dream." Lily hadn't been getting sleep for days. I had to do something later on. I silently cradled her in my arms and then spoke soothing words and she fell asleep as did I.

Marlene POV
I walk in Lily's dorm and find her asleep in James's arm thermust have been something wrong because there were tear stains in Lily's eyes. "Before you say anything we were just asleep lily says awaking. "Yeah I got that." I smile. Lily nudges james awake. "James!" "Hmm.?' "Wake up!" He get s up and heads for the washroom sleepily. "So what was that about?" "We need a girls night." She says I nod. "I'll tell them." I say. I tell avery d al and they nod excitedly. We place an order for sweets from honeydukes take some butterbeer and fire whiskey from the kitchen and set up the nail polish lily had taught al and avery to use since me and her were muggle borns. "Oh shit!" I say as alice avery and lily look at me. Its 10:00 am now and we have the hogsmeade trip starting at 11:00 am !" The girls rush over. "Um marls al ave?" "Yeah?" "James is my date..." We all squeal and wear all our stuff then finally search her closet. I point to a two piece shirt. We make her wear it with no make up and jeans , feather earnings and sandals for the not too causual not too formal look. And the two piece's colour is sparkling gold so they go well with her emerald green eyes and finally let her hair go loose. She gasps. "How did you this with THAT outfit?!" "You guys are life savers!" I focus on my nails saying "we know."

Sirius POV
Woah. Marlene.

Remus POV
Avery looks really nice!

Peter POV
Once the boys found out they congratulated me and I waited for Olivia. She looked really pretty.

James POV
Sometimes I feel I don't deserve Lily.

Avery POV
I find remus staring at me and blush. "Let's go?" He asks. I nod. He looks great in the jeans and plaid button down shirt.

Lily POV
James walks towards me and gives me a peck on my cheek and I blush when everyone stares and quickly drag him out the castle and we head off to hogsmeade.

Marlene POV
I gasp at seeing james and lils together. I'm looking forward to the girls night. I blush as sirius hands me a red rose kisses my hand and then takes my hand."Shall we?" I nod.

Olivia POV
Awe. Ickle peter pettigrew thinks I'm olivia fwom hufflepwuff? Ha. Neither am I a Hufflepuff or olivia. I'm a just a normal Slytherin with polyjuice named Bellatrix. What better way to get to know the marauders and Evans, prewett, that blondie marlene and brunette Avery than this? Poor peter. Note innocent and Slytherin NEVER mix.

Peter POV
Olivia smiles and I blush. Maybe this would be fine. I do need to see more people in life. Right?

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