Chapter eight

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I started round...

I couldn't be...

I was in space...

Muddled and bewildered, scared and frightened, as I spun round, I realised that this was no ordinary Galaxy.

This was the Pinwheel Galaxy...

Possibly the worst for me to be in to, as due to my enjoyable research, there are many Blackholes. If that didn't kill be, dead stars and comets have fallen into it. Looking on the bright side, I might not fall into a blackhole.

Said too soon, I'm in an orbit of one I think. Not a big one.. It might just be the monster blackhole I've heard about.. Oops shouldn't have said that... The question his: how am I surviving? Another question buzzing through my overcrowded mind was: How am I actually breathing? There's no air, no nothing, I'm just helplessly floating about in the depth of space. Suddenly, I remembered, I had my phone. Second, I remembered I was in the depth of outer space with no signal.

However, that moment my phone danced in my hand: Zach was ringing me! "Zach?!" "Hi, I've just had the most brilliant pizza EVER! It was-" Saddened- he hadn't even given me a thought. When it vibrated once more, I just left it...

Nobody cared about me, anyways...

I was doomed

On the 800th time of my phone jumping in my pocket, i took it out- 769 missed calls from Grandma and Grandad...

Oh no

Grandma and Grandad had been using there phones... Not a good thing either. This is the conversation

M- me
Ga- grandma
Gd- grandad

M- hi
Ga- hi!
ga- now, tell me, where on Earth are you.
M- oh I don't know- Timbuktu? Tippylooloo? Tasmania? That's the one! Tasmania
Ga- Tasmania! Oh right, where abouts?
M- by a big field of grass...
Ga- I know where you are! We're in Tasmania for 3 years! Just a small vacation.
M- small? Anyway, see you later, oh, you mightn't find me.
Ga- Bye love
M- bye

***I end the call

Well, she said where on Earth was I, and I'm probably approximately opposite Tasmania- that's the thing- when you say where on earth
he same planet. But I wasn't...

I was far, far away. 750 million light years if you like. If a light year travel 180.000 miles per second. 750 million is pretty far away!

And that's over and out to me, back to the 'Earth' To Zach....

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