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You high-fived all your team mates and grabbed a towel to wipe your sweat. You took a long drink of water.

Riko was staring at you with an awed expression.

You gave her a small smile.

She walked over to you.

"Please come to Seirin!!! You can join our boys team!" Riko pleaded.

You sweat dropped and laughed "no thanks Riko senpai. I'm going to stay at ouran but, thanks for the offer."

She nodded a bit disappointed.

Midorima had his head in his hands and was muttering "I can't believe I lost AGAIN..."

Aomine was rubbing his ankle and thinking that his temporary team lost because it had five host club members and only one GoM.

Kaoru just shrugged and started talking with his brother while Kyoya was writing something in his black notebook.

Tamaki was apologizing to everyone on his team, thinking that their loss was his fault.

And Honey was jumping around and eating food with Murisakibara.

Akashi... was making a snowflake with scissors.

Your team was really happy.

Kise tried to do a cartwheel but fell.
Kagami was laughing at Kise.
Mori was drinking water and Kuroko and you were siting on the bench, tired.

Suddenly Honey yelled "I HAVE A SUPER IDEA!!!" He hopped on a chair to make himself taller and said "WHY DONT WE ALL HANG OUT TOMMOROW AND GO TO THE BEACH AGAIN!!!!!"

"YEAH THATS A GREAT IDEA!!!" Agreed Kise overly excited.

Everyone liked that idea ... except Riko and Hyuga.

"We can't go..." Said Riko gesturing to Hyuga and herself.

"Why not?!?!" Kise whined.

"... Umm... We kind of ... Have something to do... together." Said Hyuga awkwardly.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Everyone yelled.

"Yeah... It's true. " confirmed Riko.

"That's... That's..." You started.

Hyuga and Riko sweat dropped.

"SO KAWAIIIIIIII!" You screamed, fangirling.

They blushed.

"Can everyone else go?" Asked Kyoya.

You all nodded.

It was settled.

The host club, the GoM and Kagami were going to the beach.

~time skip~

You dressed in the same bathing suit you wore the other day and put on your matching flip flops.

Downstairs, you were met with 12 guys and 1 awkward looking Haruhi standing in the middle. You sweat dropped.

There were so many people so the limo was kind of cramped.

At the beach house, Kyoya proposed to use 2 limos but Tamaki insisted on only using 1 because he said 'it would be more 'cozy'.

~at the beach~

The GoM and host club were getting along pretty well.

Tamaki and Kise were discussing some gentlemanly stuff and saying how everyone was so mean.

Kyoya and Midorima were talking about lucky items and horoscopes.

Haruhi, Kuroko and you were reading books while Kagami and Mori were exchanging basketball strategies.

By the looks of it, Aomine and the twins were planning some mischievous prank.

Murisakibara and Honey were eating cake and Pocky sticks, having a serious debate about strawberry flavoured Pocky or chocolate. Akashi was eyeing Honey for some reason.

Suddenly Haruhi got up and announced that she would be going back to the beach house.

Tamaki whined "Nuuuu!! Haruhi!"

Haruhi smiled and waved. She jogged back to to the limo who would drive her then come back later to pick you guys up when you wanted.

Tamaki dramatically collapsed to his knees and said "My precious daughter has left us."

He pointed at you. "We cannot let her escape."

The host club made half a circle around you.

Tamaki motioned for the GoM to come over and help.

The GoM shrugged and finished the circle.

You sweat dropped.

"Guys... Don't you think this is a bit drastic..." You said.

"Nonsense (Y/n)cchi!" Kise exclaimed.

You sweat dropped again.

Deciding to ignore them, you walked over to your beach towel and started reading again with the host club and GoM surrounding you.

A group of girls sashayed over when they saw the group of shirtless boys.

They smirked and the purple haired girl who seemed to be the leader of the group said "well, isn't this a wonderful group."

Her voice was so sweet you could practically see the syrup dripping of her lips. She was coated with so much make up she could be a clown and her bikini was way to revealing.

"Erm... Thanks?" Said Kagami.

"My name is Demiclaire Chitoge." She continued like Kagami never spoke. "I know! Why don't we all go to my house and have some fun!"

The boys exchanged glances.

"No thank you." Said Tamaki as polite as usual. "We're protecting our beloved (Y/n) now."

Demiclaire's pretty face turned to a frown and looked at you as if noticing you for the first time.

She brightened when focusing back on the boys

"oh, well maybe next time" she said and winked.

She strutted away with her posse not far behind.

'Welp, tomorrow we'll be going back to Ouran.' You thought.

Hey earthlings!

I'm sorry that this is so late, I've been meaning to publish this 2 days ago, but I didn't have the time😓. Anyways, don't forget to vote ⭐️ and comment💬!

-K.E.W & A.E.W

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