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Your POV

You were watching your favourite anime show at home when Raku yelled from downstairs.


"SO?" You yelled back.

"I NEED MY RAMENNN!!!" He screamed.

"ALRIGHT! FINE FINE." You sighed, walking down the stairs.

"T-THANK YOU, MY HERO!" Raku said, while crying in happiness and hugging your right leg.

You hit him with a frying pan and walked out the door.

While walking to the taxi stand you remembered why Raku couldn't go himself to buy his food.


3rd person POV

Raku was walking to the store when he suddenly freezed.


He gasped.

Raku started sprinting to the store, pushing people in the process.

When he arrived he nearly got hit by a car and almost ran over a dog with his shopping cart.

He ran to the entrance and sprinted at top speed to the ramen aisle.

He dumped 57 big packages of ramen and pushed through a line of buying customers to get the the pay station.

He wanted to hurry to show you his finds.

The worker was taking so freakin long to scan his ramen that he started yelling at her and threatening to hit her with his ramen plushie.

The worker called security and they took a picture of Raku, before kicking him out, to post a picture of him at the entrance and at each pay station saying:

'If you see this man, bring him to security (unconscious or conscious)'

//End of flashback//

Your POV

You smiled at the memory.

It was finally your turn and you took the taxi to the store.

At the store you bought 5 packages of ramen and payed for them.

When you were putting your cart back you spotted a familiar tall head.

"Mori?" You called.

The boy turned.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Mori said.

"Oh well, I was buying some ramen for my brother. What about you?" You said.

"I was having guitar lessons across the street, and I came here for a snack." Mori said indicating to the guitar strapped onto his back. "I decided to buy some commoners coffee for the Host Club because Tamaki kept sending you out to buy some every time we ran out."

"I didn't know you play guitar, I'm going to go home now so, I'll see you tomorrow!" You said and patted your pockets.

"Oh no! Where's my money?" You said panicked.

"It's okay. I have money." Mori said reaching into his coat pocket, feeling around for his wallet.

He sweat dropped.

"Senpai?" You asked.

"I don't have money either." He frowned.


You and Mori sat down on the curb.

'Hmm what should I do?' You thought.

Suddenly an idea popped into your head.

"Mori?" You asked.

"Yes?" Mori replied.

"Do you know the singers STARLIGHT?" You asked.

"Yeah, Honey loves their song 'Candy Candy'. Didn't they sing with STARISH once?" Mori asked. (A/N: BOOM reference. Is the a cross-over I hear? Hmmm... I think it is...)

"Mhm... Well this is going to sound crazy, but  Midori, Keitaro and I are STARLIGHT." You said.

Mori looked at you in shock.

"I know it's like 'whoa' but I'm telling the truth." You continued, waving your hands slightly when you said 'whoa'.

Mori nodded slowly processing the situation.

"I think we can make money by street singing. Can you play the song 'Beautiful' by STARLIGHT?" You asked hopefully.

Mori nodded.

You smiled.

You and Mori found a spot against a wall and opened Mori's guitar case in front of you two so that people can put money in it.

Mori strummed the first few notes of the chorus of the song and looked at you.

You nodded.

Mori stared playing and you started singing.

Your voice really was beautiful and combined with Mori's guitar playing you and him soon attracted a crowd of people. Some people were even recording.

When the song ended everyone applauded and put money into the guitar case.

Mori was looking at you in awe.

"(Y/n), your singing was nice." Mori said.

You blushed lightly.

"W-Well," you cleared your throat awkwardly. "We should head back."

He nodded and walked away.

You stared at his retreating figure, smiling slightly. Then, your smile was wiped of your your immediately when you realized that you forgot about your cart of ramen.

Sorry for the slow update, but here it is! As you might of noticed, I've suggested a upcoming crossover with Uta no Prince! Good idea? Maybe...

Don't forget to vote⭐️ and comment💬!

~K.E.W & A.E.W👑

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