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You woke up the next day with a huge headache. You trudged out of bed, in your (f/c) pyjamas, downstairs to the pantry, grabbed some medicine, and dry-swallowed it because you were honestly to lazy to pour yourself a glass of water.

You grab some toast and eat it, while walking back to your room. You brush your teeth and pull on your improved uniform, except you pulled on the baby blue blazer from the boy's uniform because it was slightly chilly outside. It was Autumn after all.

You tie your hair in a side fish-tail braid and pulled on some worn-out brown boots. You grabbed a maroon, woollen scarf and wrapped it around your neck, before walking out the door with your (f/c) backpack slung over your right shoulder.

~mini time skip to school brought to you by HARU FROM FREE! LET'S BE FREE TOGETHER OMG YES!~

You sat with your daily guest, Hanmarou and chatted with each other briefly, before Chitoge stormed into the room. (A/N: and then reader-chan must be like: oh no you think you can just come in here, oh heck no)

"Taka-kun!" She screamed and jumped onto his back. Mori stumbled a bit as his an girls glared daggers at the purple-haired devil that clung onto Mori's back. "I have a fantastic idea! I'll be the Host club's assistant manger! I mean, you guys will need help, right?!?"

Kyoya pushed up with glasses and frowned at his clipboard.

"Actually no, we don't need another hand-" he started, but was cut off by Tamaki.

"Of course we could use and extra hand here in the host club!" He said, spreading out his arms. "The more the merrier, right?" He looked around, as if he was daring anyone to oppose him. No one did.

"Great!" Chitoge squealed, she clutched onto Mori and smirked at you. "Then I get to be closer to my boyfriend!"

If looks could kill, Demiclaire Chitoge would already be dead, with the looks that Mori's fangirls are giving her.


The next few days were living hell.

It seemed like Chitoge was doing everything she could to make you suffer.

She dropped boxes on you, 'accidentally' ripped your uniform skirt, she got your hair caught on your chair while you were with one of your guests. One time, she spilled hot tea on your shirt, when she bumped into your chair.

Worst of all, Mori was ignoring you. He's been acting so cold lately, you don't know what to do. He used to help you with all Chitoge has done; by taking you to the infirmary, or trying to push you away from the line of fire. But now... Nothing. He doesn't even speak to you anymore. It's as if... He hates you.

You trudged to school, burying your slightly pink nose, in your woollen, maroon infinity scarf. You draw the sides of your knee-length dark green coat tighter around yourself. Your dark boots are quite worn out from numerous days of the same routine.

You look around, and see Mori, walking with his arm around Chitoge, across the street.

You stare at him for a few seconds, before he looks over at you. Your (e/c) orbs meet his for a second, before he averted his gaze coldly, and looks at Chitoge who was giggling uncontrollably. Probably at something that wasn't meant to be funny.

Hurt, flashed in your eyes, and you look at the ground.

Why was he ignoring you?

~mini sad time skip [cue the sad music]~

Chitoge approached you while you were on your way to Music Room #3.

You didn't want I run into her now. Anyone but her would've been fine. Heck, you'd rather run into Jeff The Killer.

"(Y/n)!" She screeched, while walking towards you in her 10 inch red stilettos. When she got to you, she placed her hands on her hips. "Please stop looking at my boyfriend."

You jerked away, as if you'd been slapped in the face.


"Oh please, I can see it from across the room, I'm not blind." She scoffed as she examined her perfectly manicured fingernails."You look so desperate an pathetic. Honestly, everyone can see it. Don't you know when to stop? Takashi loves me."

Anger boiled inside of you. You wanted to slap her in the face as hard as possible for saying those things that she doesn't even deserve to say.

But you wouldn't let the anger get the best of you. You weren't going to hit or yell at her or call her names. No, you were better than that. (A/N: Ya you go GURL!)

You took a deep breath, turned around, and started to walk away--


You whirled around to see Chitoge with a big red mark on her left cheek.

You didn't slap her. No one did. She slapped herself. (A/N: Reader-chan be like: (o-o) wut? Da heck?)

"Taka-kunnn!!!!!!" She screamed on the top of lungs.

Almost immediately Mori appeared right beside her, glanced at her swollen cheek, and glared at you.

"What did you do?" He bellowed.

Your eyes widened. This was the first time he's yelled at you. The first time you've ever heard him yell. You felt tears well up in your eyes, but you weren't going to let them fall.

"I didn't--"

"S-She j-just came on m-me." Said Chitoge, between sobs into his chest.

"Shh.." Mori comforted, as he patted her purple hair.

"S-She said something a-about y-you being h-hers..." She looked up at him. "You're mine r-right?"

Mori hesitated for a second and looked up at you, only to glance back down and nod.

The tears that you tried to keep from falling, rolled down your cheeks. You dashed away from him. From the Host Club. From Ouran. All the way back home.

Hay guys!!¡¡!!¡¡!!!

Like, Chitoge is being such a BAKA right now, and I can't even......😓

Why is Mori turning the cold shoulder on you? EHHH?!? You'll find out soon enough...

Don't forget to vote⭐️ and comment💬!

~ K.E.W & A.E.W 👑

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