#13- you're pregnant x (pt. 1)

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Your hands shook and your back was drenched with sweat, you threw up into the toilet. With your hands shaking, you tied your hair up into a quick bun and threw up again. You heard footsteps, and Thomas came through the door, with some water. "(Y/N), are you okay? Do you need a med-jack?" He asks with genuine concern on his face, which makes you smile. "No, no I'm fine. I'm sure it's just a stomach bug" you said as the words registered in your brain. It wasn't "just a stomach bug" Mother Nature hadn't arrived with her monthly gift.. And you were pretty sure you had felt sick in the mornings for a few weeks; you were pregnant. "Hello? Earth to (Y/N)? You were in a daze, my flower" Thomas snaps his fingers in front of your face which forces you out of your thoughts. Without thinking, you blurted out your recent realisation. "Thomas, I think I'm pregnant".

A cold hand touched your shoulder and you turned to find yourself looking at Thomas. Your best friend. "You alright?" He asks. "Peachy. You?" You replied; adding a smile for good measure. "Yeah, fine. You err, you sure you're okay? You been acting, a bit strange lately. Like all giggly one minute then sad the next; but you look more, how do I put this, more erm glow-y than usual". You thought about his words for a moment. You suddenly noticed that the things he said were true. You had been a bit off lately. "Well I don't know, Thomas. Better take me to the med-jacks or something" you finally spoke after a few moments of deep thought. "Good that". You both stood and walked away from the tree you were both leaning against.
*** (in the med-jacks)
"So, (Y/N) any vomiting?"
"This might be a bit personal, but have you had your period lately?"
"No..." "Well then I think we have found the problem." Clint was rattling off symptoms; you didn't have flu or any illness. But you had figured out by now why you had been so hormonal.
"You're pregnant"

You dropped the test to the floor. "Piece of crap thing; it's wrong it has to be wrong" you whispered to yourself. This couldn't be happening. Not here, no way. The two lines showed positive. Positive. And positive means pregnant. Pregnant means baby. Thoughts ran round in your brain. "Okay.. Breath" you told yourself as you tried to steady your shaking hands. "(Y/N)? Where are you?". Gally. You kicked the test under a dirty top that lie on the floor and stepped out the bathroom. "I'm here, Gally" you called. "Oh. The bonfire is starting, you coming?" "Yeah, give me a minute though okay?. Oh and could you go get Minho for me please?" You told Gally with your best everything-is-fine face. "Alright then". Minutes later Minho came through the door of yours and Gally's little hut/house. "Alright, Shank. What's up?" You looked at Minho; he had no idea what was about to hit him. "I'm pregnant, Minho"
*** (later at the bonfire)
"Are you drunk, Minho?" You shouted over the loud voices of the Gladers. "Oh yeah... Hahahahah. I'm erm I- gonna go get Captain Gally for yous. GALLY WHERE YOUS AT" Minho shouted and your worst fears suddenly creeped up on you. Minho is going to tell Gally.
"There you are Captain. Did you know your little sailor has a secret" you blushed. "Minho, please don.." You were cut off by his voice. "Shhh Shank, or should I say.. Shanks... Oh yeah that's right big fella. (Y/N) is preggers"

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