#15 - you're pregnant (pt 3)

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"(Y/N), wake up flower, we need to tell Alby about the baby" Thomas' voice filled your ears as you stirred in your sleep. You opened your eyes and sat up, you opened your mouth to talk and a wave of nausea came over you and you threw up all over yourself, the bed and the floor. "Oh, (Y/N), let me get you some water and fresh clothes. We'll sort out the bed in a minute" you looked down at yourself; you were a state. You felt another wave of nausea, but ran to the toilet before you could humiliate yourself again. "here... wh- where did you go?" "Im in here, Thomas" you choked out before yet another serving of last nights dinner made its way back up again. Thomas crouched down and rubbed circles on your back. "I think im finished now. Im sorry Tommy" worry filled Thomas' eyes as he looked at you, sat on the floor hunched over the toilet. "Why are you sorry? Its not your fault. Take a shower. I'll sort out everything else, alright?" You nodded and jumped in the shower, the warm water running down your back made you feel calm. Noises came from outside the door, and you stuck your head out the shower to listen to what was going on.

"I heard all the commotion, is everything okay Thomas?"

"Well, no. (Y/N) is pregnant and she keeps being sick every morning and im just so worried about her"

"Pregnant, huh?"


"I guess we will all have to come to terms with this; Thomas, this shouldn't of happened"

"I know, but I love her, Alby. She is everything to me"

You got out the shower, changed and brushed your teeth. You walked out the bathroom and your eyes met 3 pairs of staring faces and Thomas. "so it wasn't just Alby that was in here then" you mumbled to yourself.

"Congratulations, (Y/N). We heard the news" chirped Newt from behind Alby. "Thanks" being cautious not to set anyone off on a rant, you walked over to Thomas and linked your hand with his. "We know this will mess up our system, but...we decided that you shall be aloud to keep your baby"


You continued to cry into Newt's chest. He pulled away and looked into your eyes, "I've got to work now, okay? We finish in half an hour anyway, so ill be back to hug you for hours then" you nodded and made your way back over to Thomas who had a guilty look on his face. "whats wrong" you asked, confused as to why your best friend looked guilty. "Alby knows, they're banishing you and newt tonight. Im sorry, (Y/N), there was nothing I could do to stop him or change his mind" a million thoughts ran through your mind. "Why" is all you could say. "Alby said that a baby would mess up the whole system of the glade, that it would be wrong to raise it here; and its all your fault." Thomas spoke quietly. "All my fault?" managing a few words is all you were capable of now. "Well, yours and Newt's" at the mention of his name a tear ran down your face, your soul mate was going to die, and because of you. Without looking back you ran towards the maze doors. You could here shouts coming from behind you, but ignored them. The second your foot touched the concrete floor of the maze the familiar screeching of the doors deafened your ears. The doors were closing. You took one last look at the glade and turned to run round a corner, until a hand grabbed your arm. Newt.

"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED" Newts voice barley audible over the doors. "LETS GO, (Y/N). NOW!" too tired to object you ran back through the almost closed doors with Newt and collapsed on the floor. "What were you doing out there, (Y/N)?" Newt stood over you with a concerned look on his face. "they were going to banish us, Newt. They don't want our baby here"

You watched as Gally turned to walk away, but you grabbed his muscular arm and pulled him back. "No. No, Gally I'm not taking this from you, this isn't my fault you know?" Annoyed, you finally let out some of the anger that had built up inside you. "Get off me, (Y/N). I can't deal with this - you- right now" Gally tried to rip away from your firm grip but you held tight and didn't budge. "Why. Why are you reacting like this?" You question, eyes fixed on his. Gally mumbled something under his breath, too quiet for you to understand. "What was that?". "I DIDN'T WANT TO RUIN YOUR LIFE, (Y/N)! THATS WHY I AM REACTING LIKE THIS, THATS WHY I CANT STAND TO LOOK AT YOU! BECAUSE I KNOW I HAVE RUINED YOUR LIFE." Gally exploded, every last drop of anger and annoyance coming out of his mouth. You looked at him, cheeks red and loosened the grip on his arms; noticing you had left bruises. "You haven't ruined my life, please, Gally, how could you be so stupid to think that" you, still annoyed, asked him with sarcasm in your voice. "I don't know, it's just what others kept saying to me." "Well don't listen to others then" at that moment a strange warmth came over your body and a chill ran down your spine, Gally embraced you and held you like a fragile tea cup. "I'm sorry", he said after a moment. "You better be, because this baby is yours as well as mine, so you're staying with me regardless of wether you like it or not"

A/N- sorry I haven't been updating recently, I have been extremely busy and haven't had time to write anything, but I hope to get back on track soon xxxxxx

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