#22- Minho (part 2) x

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You're pregnant (part 1 );

You had noticed your belly was getting a little bit bigger recently but you didn't think anything of it, blaming it on overeating. You were strolling around the glade, hand in hand with Minho when you suddenly got a craving for cheese. "I really have a craving for cheese right now" you said, laughing. "You have cravings for everything recently" Minho laughed back. "hey, what's that supposed to mean?" you punched him in the arm. "Nothing" he said laughing. You were about to reply when you suddenly felt really sick,  you let go of Minho and ran to the forest and stopped to throw up all over some tree stump. You heard footsteps coming behind you and then a hand rubbing your back. "What's going on, (Y/N)" Minho sounded annoyed. "What? what are you going on about? Im sick, clearly" you said gesturing to your vomit. "No (Y/N). You're not. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" "Notice  what Minho!" you were now getting irritated. "that you're pregnant! The cravings, your stomach, your weird mood swings, now being sick? Im not stupid" you analysed what he had just said. It all added up, it all made sense now. "I didn't know.." you said slowly. "I thought I was just getting chubby. I thought I was just hungry. I honestly didn't know " You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. "Whatever. Lets just get you home so you can clean yourself up"

Your pregnant (part 2)

4 weeks had passed and most of the gladers knew you were pregnant. "I don't feel how you're supposed to feel. My back aches, my ankles are swollen, Im still being sick every single morning. I thought you were supposed to glow  when your pregnant?" you sighed, ranting to Minho about the troubles of pregnancy. "you always glow to me" Minho replied, smiling. "shut up" you crossed your arms in annoyance. "I gotta go do my job anyway, I will be back soon" he kissed you on the cheek then left. You decided to lay down for a while but ended up falling asleep. When you woke up Minho was getting changed in front of the bed. You smiled to yourself, thinking about how lucky you were. "Hey, you're awake" Minho said, helping you sit up. "I was thinking, you've been struggling with things lately, so, as the fantastic boyfriend I am, I'm going to give you a massage" He adopted a smug look on his face and you threw your head back and sighed, still smiling. "Yes please" you giggled. Minho turned you on your front and massaged out all the knots in your back. You relaxed as you felt everything melt away in Minho's hands. "Thank-you. I love you macho man" you said as Minho smiled. "You're welcome. And I love you too Princess"

You're pregnant (part 3);

You felt as though you were blowing up like a balloon. You're ankles still swollen, back pain as painful as ever. You let out a moan as you stood up from your bed. "Are you alright?" Minho's caring voice called out from the across the room. "No. No I am not "alright", Minho. I am in constant pain, I can't move an inch without shooting pains in my back. I cant walk properly without you're support" you started to cry. "I keep getting emotional and I just want my normal self back. I hate this. How come Thomas' girlfriend was normal. Why's it always me" You let yourself fall back on the bed. "(Y/N), princess, its different for everyone. You don't have much longer to go anyway now. Just think we'll have a beautiful baby soon. Our beautiful baby" Minho said as he walked over to you, and lent on his knees, occasionally stroking your arm. He took his hand and lifted up your chin. "Keep your chin up, princess, okay?" He then gave you a quick kiss on the lips. After a few minutes you decided to try and go for a walk with Minho around the glade like you used too. As you wondered around, basking in the sunlight and taking in all the pretty green tress that were dotted around the glade, a few pockets of gladers started to laugh, occasionally clapping. Minho looked over and glared at them. "What is it, shanks? What are laughing at" He shouted over your head. "That elephant next to you" one Glader shouted in response. You looked up at Minho, tears glazing your (Y/E/C) eyes. Minho, without thinking, stormed over to the glader, who turned out to be some slinthead builder, and squared him up. "You wanna say that again, shank?" Not letting go of the eye contact, the Glader slowly replied. "The.. Elephant... Next... To... YOU." in a matter of seconds the Glader was knocked to the ground by the force of Minho's punch. The Glader, got up and swung at Minho, but missed. Minho hit him again, this time leaving the Glader with a bloody nose and black eye. "Still wanna be rude about my girl?" Minho sassed. "N-o, no" the slinthead replied while tending to his bloody nose. "Didn't think so". Minho strutted back over to you. "I cant believe you did that" you say, in shock. "well no one disrespects my (Y/N)"

You're pregnant (part 4);

You and Minho were laying on the grass next to the deadheads staring up at the clouds, hand in hand. As the never ending sunlight shone in your eyes you turned your head to see Minho looking at you. "What?" you say, smiling. "Nothing. Its just you're so beautiful and im so lucky to have you" you smile at him. "Awh Minho. I love you!" you say, pecking him on the cheek. Just as you were about to comment on the shape of a cloud, you felt a tight, painful, spasm corrupt your abdomen.  You let out a yelp and instinctively put your hands where the pain as coming from. "What's wrong ?" Minho said, sitting up immediately with an alarmed look on his face. You wince again as another shoot of pain hit you. "I don't know what's wrong" you say, forgetting that it could be the baby. "(Y/N), I think you've had an accident" Minho says, gesturing to your brown leggings which were now taupe coloured. "No.. no I haven't" you wince. "The baby is coming. Minho, the baby is coming that's what it is" 

(sorry this is short I couldn't think of anything else to write)

You're pregnant (part 5);

Minho's and was intertwined with yours as you sat and waited for your baby to start arriving. You sighed and played around with the gas mask the Med-jacks gave you for the pain. "Not long now princess" you look at Minho with eyes that said everything that needed to be said. "You said that 3 hours ago, and 2  hours before that, and another 3 hours before that" you said, getting frustrated. "I know.. I did say that.. but look it cant be much longer can it" you let go of Minho's hand dropped the gas mask and ran your hands through your hair. "Just leave. I could do without you keep going on about it every few minutes, okay? Go for a run with Thomas in the maze or something. Just go" You say, turning on your side with your back to Minho. "Im not doing that, I can't leave you here, what sort of boyfriend would I be if I left now?" he says, standing up. You ignore what he just said and gesture to the door. "No, (Y/N). I'm staying" "Fine, but don't moan when you get bored of sitting in here watching me do nothing" you fold your arms over. You reached for the gas as another contraction sent enormous amounts of pain through your body, stronger than all the others. "See, this is why I can't leave" Minho says, sitting back down on the chair next to your bed. You cry out in pain as another contraction hits you. Each contraction getting stronger and stronger. "I think it really is coming this time"

You're pregnant (part 6);

You squeezed Minho's hand as the last contraction pushed your baby out into the world. Cries filled the room and tears filled your eyes as the Med-Jacks put the baby on your chest straight away. "Beautiful" Minho says, crying also. "It's a girl" one of the Med-jacks called out. "a girl" Minho cried. "Ava?" you say, looking up at Minho. "Ava is perfect" he says, then bends down and kisses you on the forehead. "It was worth it, it was all worth it. I've found my glow.. Ava's my glow. I love her" You say getting emotional.

*a few hours later*

Newt, Thomas, Gally, Frypan and Chuck had come to see your new baby and you were now alone with Minho, who was frantically trying to sort out the stuff the creators had sent up for the baby. "What's this?" he says, holding up a dummy. You giggle. "Don't worry yourself about it, babe" You smile down at Ava who is peacefully sleeping in your arms. "Isn't she perfect?" You say. "My two perfect girls" Minho says, coming over to you both and kissing you on the lips.

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