Chapter 10

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After laying there for awhile I got up and walked over to the edge. Toby followed.

"It's so empty down there." I said looking down.

"Well it is the middle of the night."


"Are your parents not worried about where you are?"

"No. They are out if town, like always. They could really careless. They are gone all the time and they think that concert tickets and cloths and all that stuff can make up for it."

"I'm sorry Abby." He said wrapping his arm around me.

"It's not your fault. It's mine for being born into a family who doesn't care."

"You know that they love you and do care about you." He said trying to make me fell happy.

"Are you sure?" I said looking up at him. He had a good 5 inches on me.

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and leaded closer to me and said "I'm sure." Then kissed me. He kissed me. On the lips. Lips. Not cheek. Lips.

"Thank you." I said smiling and pulling away.

"For what?"

"Making me believe what you said." I said looking back down at the street below. Toby's arm around my waist.

Then all I could be was the windows on the building rushing pasted my eyes. Winded rushing around my body. The ground coming closer and closer.

"Abby!" I heard Toby yell as I fell closer to the ground.

At that moment everything was in slow motion. I thought about everything. I thought about the fact that I never got to tell my mom and dad how much they really mean to me. I loved them so much eve though they were always gone. I never told Chloe that she really was my best friend and I don't know what I would do without her. I never got to tell off all those ass holes at my school who give me hell everyday for being me.

Then I hit the ground. I could fell the pain rush throw my body. Bones broke. Blood on the pavement. Then it all ended. No more pain. No more hurt. It's all over.

Maybe we would. (A before you exit/ Toby Mcdonough Fanfic) <completed>Where stories live. Discover now