Chapter Three

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A knock sounded upon my door and I called for Joe to come in. The sound of the door opening came soon after, before the padding of feet came down the hall.

When Joe entered the living room, he walked right over to the screaming baby Ian. Joe didn't have any experience with babies, but right away he scooped my son up and bounced him, making him stop crying after a few minutes.

I used to be like that.

But now it hurt to much.

Joe turned to me. "Zoe, I know it hurts. I know you miss him; I miss him too. But Ian comes first, okay? You're his mum, you can't just abandon him."

I stood to my feet and glared my younger brother. "I'm not abandoning him, Joe!" I snapped, planning to win the argument. But tiredness overtook my body and I had sit back down, sighing as I went.

Joe raised an eyebrow at me, holding the babies head close to his chest. "I'll go pack you and Ian some bags, you wait here."

I wanted to protest, to tell him I could do it myself, but I just couldn't bring myself too. So instead, I sat on the couch, watching as Joe walked out the room.

He was back soon, with a bag slung over his shoulder containing the things myself and the baby would need for a few days.

"Are you ready to go?" Joe asked.

Even though we were still both in our funeral clothes, I nodded my head. Joe carried Ian out, carrying the car seat from my car to his car with one hand. He placed Ian in and strapped him up as I climbed in the front.

Joe slipped the key into the ignition and started the car up. As we drove along the busy streets of Brighton, Joe called Dad.

"Hey, Dad," Joe said through the phone. I could hear what my father was saying. "Zoe and I are on our way down to Bath right now for a few days, is that okay?" Pause. "Great, thanks, see you later."

After Joe hung up, the car returned to silence. I pulled my phone out to check for texts, but the background of Alfie and I pulling a silly face, and the lock screen of the two of us in Greece stung my heart.

Before long, Ian started stirring in the back. When he didn't quiet after a few minutes, Joe stopped the car outside a small shop.

"Where are you going?" I asked, watching him climb out the car.

"To get Ian some milk or baby formula or something. You want anything?"

I shook my head and watched him walk away.

Joe had been gone five minutes when I saw him.

The dark haired back of a head, ruffled just the right way. The muscular arms, dressed in the same clothes, too. Perfectly tan.

I was about to call his name out.

But then I remembered what had happened. It wasn't him.

It simply couldn't be.


I smoothed down my summer dress, looking in the mirror. I looked chubby, but not pregnant. However, Alfie and I expected I would pop soon, so we had decided to tell our family now.

As I was fixing my loose curls, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. My eyes met with Alfie through the mirror and I smiled a little. Alfie chuckled.

"Nervous?" he asked.

I sighed. "A little, yeah."

Alfie smiled and gave me a tight squeeze before releasing me.

Five minutes later, he said, "It's time to go downstairs, Zo. Your mum, dad, and Joe are five minutes away, and mine are just about to leave their house."

I blew a breath out between my lips and nodded my head.

Following Alfie down the stairs, I caressed my chubby stomach. How would they react?

I shouldn't be silly. Of course they would be happy. I was a grown woman, mature, and Alfie was going to be a great dad. This baby was going to have an amazing home.

There was a knock laid on the door and I gazed up at Alfie with big eyes. He smiled reassuringly at me. "Go sit in the living room."

I considered for a moment before nodding and walking over to the living room, sitting down carefully on the sofa.

The door opened and I heard my brothers voice, soon followed by my dad. One of them must have picked the other up on the way.

Soon enough, they both entered the living room and I instantly felt at ease. I stood up as my brother rushed towards me and pulled me into a firm hug. My dad did the same after.

"How are you, Zo?" Joe asked, sitting down on the couch opposite me beside my dad.

I shrugged. "I'm okay."

Just as I said the two words, another presence walked into the room.

My mother froze on the spot when she saw my dad and looked to me, "Hi, Zoe, Darling."

I pulled my mum into a hug, and she sat on the couch opposite me, but beside Joe rather than my dad. She gave my dad a weak smile as Joe and her hugged.

Soon after, Poppy, Sean and Alfie's parents arrived, greeting me and my family members with a warm hug. After everyone had taken a seat, Alfie sat down beside me.

"Zoe and I have something to tell you all," Alfie said.

Taking his hand, I looked at him. He gave me a reassuring but nervous smile, and I forced a smile back. Without taking my eyes away from Alfie, I confidently said, "I'm pregnant."

Everyone looked surprised as my heart thumped in my chest.

Suddenly, Joe stood up and ran over to me, hugging me tightly for the second time in the past ten minutes. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Congrats, Zoe," he whispered.

When we pulled apart, Alfie was just finished hugging Poppy. My dad squeezed me tightly, followed by the rest of the gathering.

"So, how far along are you?" Alfie's mum asked excitedly, her arm wrapped around Alfie.

"About a month," I replied, smiling. "We have a scan scheduled for next week."

Alfie's mum squealed pulled me into another hug.

Everyone began chatting together about the baby, and my mum and dad got into a rather intense conversation. I was so happy that this child was bringing everyone together.

As everyone talked amongst themselves, I felt Joe's breath brush my ear.

"I'm so proud of you, Zo, you know that?" he whispered gently.

I turned to look at him and smiled. "I know, Joe," I said, pulling my little brother into a tight hug.

"You've come so far," he said, squeezing me once.

I let go and moved away from him. We both smiled at each other for a second before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Alfie, but I barely had any time to register him before he moved in and kissed me soundly on the lips. I kissed him back, smiling against his mouth.

When we pulled away, I smiled, confused. "What was that for?"

"For being you."

"I love you." I said it quietly, so no one else could hear, as if it were our little secret.

"I love you too."

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