Kellin Has Assumptions about Barakat's "Girlfriend"

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Jack looked between the two of us, looking confused, dark eyebrows drawn together. My guess would be because Kellin and I were situated beside each other instead of being as far apart as possible and not fighting, just talking and discussing the work in front of us.

We were nearly done when he interrupted us. "Alright, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Kellin asked, putting his pencil down. I did the same, looking up at Jack. "I think he not fighting...right?"

Jack nodded. "Not only that, you two are being nice. So what happened?"

Kellin shrugged and laughed, rolling his eyes. I shrugged too because I was over the weird feeling of being friends with Kellin, it was normal now, something we did without thinking.

We still fought like a married couple, arguing over stupid things, but we always made up, as friends do. "We've been friends for a bit now, like right before school let out." I explained.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Oh, uh, okay. Good."

We didn't answer, just went back to work so we could be done already. Things were a lot better for me lately, I wasn't as lonely, unless it was the middle of the night and looking up at the ceiling, but I guess it's like that for everyone when you're left alone with your thoughts, at your most vulnerable point. But at least now I knew I had someone, and yeah, it was Kellin the sass queen, the utter asshole, a complete douche, but that was okay with me.

My dad still wouldn't really talk to me after the slapping incident, being even more distant than usual; but not like I expected him to, we've never been close, if that wasn't already apparent.

When Jack got his answer, he stood and stretched. "Better today, guys, and I'm glad you're friends. It'll make things a lot easier. We're already halfway done, you know. Well," he sighed and grabbed his briefcase. "Lex is waiting for me."

He went to leave but Kellin stopped him.


I looked at him, not knowing where he was going with this. Lex was Jack's girlfriend I assumed, whom he had mentioned several times actually, and it wasn't our business, so why was Kellin questioning him all of a sudden? Jack frowned and nodded. "Yes...?"

There was a pause, but Kellin just wouldn't drop it like we were both hoping. It was obvious that Jack wasn't up to discuss it, he kept inching towards the door.

I nudged Kellin. "Stop." I muttered so only he would hear.

He sighed and looked at me. "Okay," he said to Jack, and my eyes went big. He was listening to me? "Bye, Jack."

And Jack left, a little quicker now, like the mention of his girlfriend had scared him.

I glared at Kellin as Mr. Barakat left, annoyed with his curiosity. I go to voice how rude he was being, but he cuts me off. "He's so gay."

I laughed and shake my head, "And what makes you think that?"

"Isn't it obvious? He's a teacher and he talks to us, but he's never mentioned past girlfriends or interests and avoids the topic completely, and I bet Lex is a guy." He smirked and crossed his arms, like he was so proud of himself for prying into his teacher's life.

I sigh and frown. "Stop being nosy. Pretty sure he isn't gay. And what do you mean: you think Lex is a boy?"

Kellin smiled and looked at me. "Remember Mr. Gaskarth?" I furrow my eyebrows, not understanding where he came into the picture. "What's his first name?" Kellin continued.

"Alex." I shrug.

He raised an eyebrow at me, sly smirk on his lips. "Mhm." I rolled my eyes, laughing a little. "It's coincidence, Kellin, Jesus Christ, now shut up."

"And you remember how close they were. They were always together and laughing together and they had fucking inside jokes, and always touching, like, for no reason."

"You're delusional."

"You're in denial."

I pause. "Shut up." He laughed and stood from the table, going to the stairs like he owned the place, and I followed, knowing he was going to my room.

He wasted no time in flopping onto my bed with a sigh. "Vic, I need some advice." I raise an eyebrow as I sit because this was totally fucking weird: Kellin never asked for advice, he always seemed like the type to not care about other's opinions, but lately he has. Or maybe he always has, but no-one knew it.

"Shoot." I shrug.

He sighs and puts his hands behind his head. "Well, I don't know where to stay. My folks come home this weekend but until then, I don't have anywhere. I'm not staying with Jesse and I won't bother you and I don't talk to a lot of people outside of school-"

"First of all, you don't bother me. Second, what about Frank? He's a nice guy. And I was going to text him and seen of we can hang out. I don't know why, but I like being around him. He's like," I chuckled. "The only friend of yours I like." I finished.

Kellin rolled his eyes and sighed. "Think he'll let me?"

"I do." I nod and smile. I did feel bad for him. He wouldn't like that, the pity I had for him right now, but it was there. I wanted him to be happier and he didn't seem to be getting that right now and that was one of the reasons that I felt even better about being his friend. It wasn't the only reason, but one.

"Are you going to text Frank or just sit there?"


I meant for this to be longer but then again it's a filler sooooooo

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.

Love you all

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