Either We Cuddle or I Kick Your Ass

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[important a/n at the end!]

Because Kellin is Kellin, he annoyed me the whole time I was at his house. Whether it was poking my face or sides or making me cook him food or go get him a drink, it was something every five minutes. It was to the point where I had given up on watching the horror film that was on the TV.

"For the third time, Kellin, no! I'm sick of running errands for you." I said when he asked me to go get him a snack for the end of the movie. What kind of person needs a snack every ten minutes? He had to be doing this on purpose.

"But, Vic, I'm hungry!"

"You are not! You just ate, moron." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. I don't care how fucking cute he is in those pajamas, I refuse to go get him a snack again. I will not do it.

He huffed and made me look at him and I try pulling my face away from his hands. "Please," he whined, poking his lip out. Christ, I hate this boy. I hate his fucking guts. "This is the last time, I promise."

I sigh and glare at him shortly, then stand to walk to the kitchen. "Thank you, slave!"

I roll my eyes and get him another bag of chips for the end of the movie. It was nearing the end so the creepy music was playing, the killer walking through the house to find the last few victims that remained, but would die, like in ever horror film.

And if my eyes weren't playing tricks on me, I'd say Kellin was scared.

There was a bar in the kitchen to where I could see into the living room, and there Kellin was, pulling the blanket higher around him, shielding his eyes from the movie. "Vic, hurry the hell up!"

I walked quietly so he wouldn't hear and once I was behind him, grabbed his shoulder. He jumped and moved away from me, screaming a little. I laughed loudly and threw the bag of chips at him. "You jumped so far, I swear to god. Should've seen your face." I teased.

"Shut the hell up." He threw the chips back at me and the hit me in the face. I roll my eyes and opened the bag and took one out and ate it, making him roll his eyes in return. He snatched the bag from me. "My fucking chips."

I shrug and sit on the couch, watching the end credits roll on the screen. Not like I saw half the fucking movie but whatever.

After his snack, he laid back on the couch and sighed. "Okay, I'm tired." He announced. I looked at him and shrugged, still teasing him. "So."

"So," he said with that dramatic voice of his. "It's time to go to sleep."

"Awe, you think I'm going to sleep in your bed with you?" I raise an eyebrow and grin, watching him squirm a little in his place. "Well, I mean, I did, um, and-"

I shrug. "I'm just fucking with you, Kellin, you're scared and want me in your bed because let's face it, you couldn't hurt a fly." He scoffed and stood up, crossing his arms like a two year old.

"Shut up and come on."

I was done teasing him so I followed him upstairs to his room. He was already in his pajamas and I wasn't going to sleep in jeans so I kicked off my pants and threw off my tee shirt, knowing I wouldn't be able to find them tomorrow, but not caring at the moment.

"Thanks by the way." He muttered and got under his covers. I glance up at him, not sure what he was thanking me for. "For sleeping with me, thanks. I usually don't watch scary movies."

"We could have changed it, you know, I don't care." I shrug, laying down next to him. He signed and moved closer, laying on his side now. "I know, I just didn't want to be made fun of."

That didn't sound like something Kellin would say at all. He was afraid I would tease him? I mean, we joke around a lot and mess with each other but I'm not actually an asshole. I wouldn't care if he didn't like the movie. "Kellin, you know I don't actually mean it when I tease you, just like you don't mean it. I wouldn't purposely hurt your feelings." I shrug.

My face got hot after I said that, hoping he wouldn't get the wrong idea, even if the wrong idea was true: I fucking liked this cute idiot. So it wasn't the wrong idea at all, but he didn't know all that.

Even though it was dark in his room, I could see his smile. "Thank you."

I nodded, smiling back at him slightly. "Welcome."

We didn't talk much after that, just occasionally fussed over who was taking the blanket and who's cold feet were touching who. Kellin's bed was a lot smaller than mine, and hell, I didn't mind, I couldn't be happier, but he kept fucking touching me with those cold ass feet.

"Just stop moving." I sighed loudly and pulled him so his chest was flush against mine and his face was against my neck. I felt him gasp a little but he didn't pull away from me. His feet weren't touching me anymore, thank god.

I wasn't planning on cuddling, I just wanted his feet as far away from me as possible, but I was fine with this. I was great with this. He was warm and small and holdable and I didn't want to do anything but that. And as expected, he ruined the moment.

"You just wanted to snuggle."

"Shut up." I sighed, closing my eyes.

He smirked and put his arms around me. "Well, it's true."

I roll my eyes and drop my hands from around him. "Want me to sleep on the couch? I'm sure Michael Myers won't mind snuggling with you later, after he slits your throat, of course."

"Fuck no." He said.

I laughed and put my arms around him again. "Then shut up, Quinn."

And for the first time known to man, for the first time in the history of anything ever, Kellin Quinn fucking listened, and went to sleep.


[I tried to make this one a little lengthier but it didn't work, I'm sorry guys. And sorry about the fucked up editing schedule, I'm having some really bad family issues, but I'm trying to focus on this story! Thank you for reading, it means a lot yo]

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