When It's Dire

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.oO Lizzie's POV Oo.

"Lets get her a doctor now!" Josh said.

I was sitting in a wheelchair. Squeezing Matt's hand, and pulling on Josh's hair. I started to yell in pain.

"Sorry sir! There's no doctor available right now! It's lunch hour!" The male nurse said.

"No. There's got to be at least one effing doctor here! Your a nurse!"

~4 Hours Earlier~

"Josh! Are you ready yet? We need to go over to Kevvy's hotel room now!"

"Sorry! I was just fixing my hair!"

"You're more of a girl than I am, sometimes!"

"You crossed the line of offensiveness, Lizzie!"

"Oh well!" I laughed. "Can we go now?"


Josh and I walked out of our hotel room. We haled a cab. And got in.

Don't ask me why. But Kevvy booked a room in a different hotel. So did Anami. Why don't I have normal friends?

Josh payed the cab driver. We walked into the old hotel. We knocked on the hotel room. Anami answered.

"Shh! Kevvy's still sleeping!"

"Okay." Josh and I said in sync.

Soon everyone arrived, and Kevvy woke up.

"Happy birthday Kevvy!" We all said.

"Thanks guys!"

.oO Josh's POV Oo.

"Happy birthday Kevvy!" Lizzie smiled.

"Thanks Lizzie! Ugh I'm getting old!" Lizzie laughed.

"Uh oh." Lizzie mumbled.

"What hun?"

"Oh nothing. My water just broke. It's no big deal." Everyone stepped away from Lizzie.

"What? Lizzie we have to get you to a hospital!"

"No. We don't! We have to go to Regina for the Junos today."

"That can wait! Lizzie. We need to get you to a hospital!"


"You're in labour! C'mon Lizzie lets go!"

"We can't!"


"It's Kevvy's birthday. She can't be born on his birthday."

"It's okay! It'll be cool to know someone with my birthday!" Kevvy said.


"Yea! Go! Go give birth to so and so!"

"Josh! We never picked a name yet!"

"That can be discussed at the hospital! Now lets go!"


Lizzie, Matt, and I all got in the same cab. Ian, Mike, Anami, and Kevvy got in another.

.oO Lizzie's POV Oo.

We all got in the hospital. Josh and Matt were carrying me. I was focusing on my breathing.

Josh and Matt set me in a wheel chair.

"Lets get her a doctor now!" Josh said.

I was sitting in a wheelchair. Squeezing Matt's hand, and pulling on Josh's hair. I started to yell in pain.

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