Chapter3-Did You Say, Ramsay?

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.oO Melody's POV Oo.

"Your last names Ramsay, right?" First year of grade 9, and that's all the kids ever ask me.


"Are you related to Josh Ramsay?" She squeaked.

"No." She walked away. I lied. I'm sick of lying. That's all I ever do. Nobody knows that Josh is my dad, except my best friend, Dean. This is why I don't have friends. If she was truly my friend she would have stayed. But she just wanted to be my friend to get close to my dad.

Dean walked up to me. I shut my locker door.

"I'm taking the afternoon off."

"Tough day?" He asked.

"You have no idea."


Aunt Nicole came to get me.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Aunty Nicole said.

"My so called friend asked if I was related to dad today. I said no. She walked away."

"I'm sorry pumpkin."

"Can I put my CD in?"

"Of coarse!" She said. I put in Fix Me. I'm usually sick of Marianas Trench songs. But I love my dads voice. And Fix Me is an amazing album. And, I'm feeling depressed. I started humming along.

"You know, you have a great voice. Just like your dad." Nicole said.

"I could never be as good as him."

"You never know. You're still young. You've got tons of time to get better." I slouched down in my seat.

.oO Lizzie's POV Oo.

"Why is this so hard?" Josh threw a crumpled piece if paper in the overflowing garbage can, but missed.

"Probably because you suck." I said referring to his shot. Josh turned his head to me.

"I'm talking about the album."

"I know." I walked towards him. He gestured me to sit on his lap. I shook my head.

"Why not?"

"I'm not as light as I was before I had Melody. Sure, I've lost a ton of weight. But I'm not as light." Josh frowned.

"Don't say that." Josh stood up. "To me, you're lighter than you were back then."

"So I was fat then?"

"No! Lizzie. You're not listening! What I'm trying to say is, you're perfect just the way you are. And I will never look at you any different. I don't care if you're fat, skinny, ugly, beautiful. I care whats in the inside. And I love you." He kissed me.

"That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard." I laughed. "I love you too." He picked me up.

"Josh. That doesn't give you permission to lift me up!" He sat down with me in my life.

"There. That's better." He smiled. "Know, what's you need to tell me?"

"It's about Melody."

"What about her?"

"She went home this afternoon. Nicole came and got her. She said it was because her friend asked if she was related to you, she said no. And then her friend walked away."

"How many times has this happened this year?" Josh asked.

"Quite a few. But that's not all."

"What else?"

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