Chapter 2-Growing Up

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.oO Lizzie's POV Oo.

"Everybody. Meet Melody!" I said. Josh, Nicole, Matt, Mike, Ian, Anami, Megan, and Kim (A/N: Incase you guys don't know. Megan is Mike's girlfriend. And Kim is Ian's girlfriend.) are all back home. In Vancouver. We all were sitting in my living room. Introducing Melody to everyone. For the first time.

"Can I hold her?" Nicole asked excitedly.

"Of coarse!" I said. I carefully handed Melody off to Nicole.

"I love her already! She's so cute. And small." Nicole said.

"Why Melody? I thought you guys were going to name her Ariel?" Mike asked.

"Josh picked it." Everyone looked at Josh.

"Well, I just thought it'd be a good fit for our lives. I'm a musician, and mostly everyone who's going to be around her. And Lizzie's always playing the piano. And helping me write songs. And there's melodies in songs. So I just thought it'd be a good fit in our lives."

"Good pick!" Megan said. Everyone held Melody.

"So, what can she do?" Ian asked.

"Eat, sleep, poop." I answered.

"Anything else?"

"Oh she can convert oxygen to carbon dioxide."

"That's good!"

"Ian. She's a baby. She can't do anything just yet!"

"When was she born?" Kim asked.

"1:53 am!" Josh answered. Melody started crying.

"Ah!" Matt flinched. Matt gave her to me. I started to rock her back and fourth. To soothe her down to make her stop crying.

"There we go!" I said. Melody stopped crying.

"I'm proud of you guys!" Nicole said.

"For what? Making a baby? It's pretty easy!" Josh said. I playfully hit Josh on his side. And gave him the "really?" Look.

"No! For coming this far! And having a baby with all the ups and downs in your relationship!" Nicole said.

"Thanks Nicole!" I said.

"Matt! You need to get on it!" Josh joked.

"Speaking if which." He said. "Nicole. I love you so much! Just as much as Josh loves Lizzie! Mike loves Megan! Ian loves Kim! My point is I love you! I need you, now and forever! Nicole, would you marry me?" Matt got down on one knee and pulled a diamond ring out. Matt, Nicole, Megan, Kim, and I all started tearing up.

"Yes!" Nicole answered. Matt slipped the ring onto Nicole's finger. Matt and Nicole kissed.


It's been quite a few weeks since we brought home Melody. Josh is back on tour. Melody is doing spectacular! My life is perfect!

Josh and I always Skype. Just because he wants to see Melody and I. He's more of a father type guy, then I thought.

Since the boys went on tour again, Nicole's living with me again. And I love it! She always helps me With Melody. She loves Melody!

Melody was laying down in a play pin I had set up for her in the living room. I sat down on the couch watching her, and on my laptop. Also talking to Nicole.

"Josh is skypeing me!" I said.

"Okay! I'll leave!" Nicole left. I answered. I grabbed Melody out of the play pin.

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