Robin's Little Finch ~ Chapter 4

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Today was the day that Tara started in Gotham Academy. She had been home schooled since she had been adopted by Slade, but even with starting off in the circus she caught up in her studies quickly. Since her studies had come along well she was easily able to fake a scholarship so she could go to Gotham Academy. Gotham Academy by far had the best education and it was mainly a school for the rich of Gotham, an easy way to keep track of possible targets while she stayed here.

Tara would be going in as a freshman but with a couple of advanced classes. She placed into French 3 and pre calculus. She was also signed up to take American history, American literature, and chemistry with the rest of the freshman class. Then there were two other extra classes that everyone had to sign up for so she choose Russian and Japanese. She would have a busy year but she knew she could handle it.

Tara begrudgingly put on the navy skirt and wore a white short sleeve shirt with the school crest on the pocket.

Tara grabbed her backpack and rode her skateboard to school from across town. When she got to the school she internally groaned. It was a school full of the rich kids of Gotham. True she was inherently rich but she relied on skill to get into school and do well, not the money.

After going to the principle's office, she started walking to her next class that had already started, pre calculus. When she walked in she was forced to introduce herself to her class mates, then was told to go sit by the red haired girl in the class. Once Tara realized what the lesson was she got it almost instantly, even though the red head seemed to be struggling. However the bell rang soon after and she traveled to her next class.

Though she wouldn't admit it, Tara did get lost on her way to French since she had to go and check out her locker. So she ended up walking into French late. 

When she walked in, she noticed the teacher was at his desk passing back some papers. 

"Ah bonjour mademoiselle, bienvenue à trois françaises," the teacher said to her. (translation: Ah hello miss, welcome to french three) 

"Merci monsieur," Tara answered back as if this was her first language. 

"Je vois mes tactiques de peur ne fonctionnent pas considérer que vous avez répondu causually . Je suppose que vous avez pris le français dans votre vieille école , puisque vous êtes un étudiant de première année dans une classe de niveau trois," the teacher continued talking in French (translation: I see my scare tactics did not work considering you responded causually. I am assuming you took French in your old school since you are a freshman in a level three class.) 

"En fait, je suis scolarisé à la maison avant cela et je viens d'apprendre que je suis un talent pour langages . Est-ce à dire que vous ne parlez pas couramment normalement français , même dans la classe de troisième année?" She responded pretending to stumble a couple times looking for the correct word. (translation: Actually, I was homeschooled before this and I have just been told I have a talent for langages. Does this mean you don't normally speak fluent french even in the third year class?) 

"Non, pas normalement . Quoi qu'il en soit , depuis la plupart de la classe semble confus , nous pouvons continuer cette conversation plus tard, si vous le choisissez . S'il vous plaît prendre un siège à côté de Richard," the teacher says smiling then adds. "Richard can you raise your hand please." (translation: No, not normally. Anyway since the most of the class seems confused, we can continue this conversation later if you so chose. Please take a seat next to Richard.)

Richard raises his hand with a smirk on his face. He was able to follow the conversation perfectly since he had to study french when Batman and Robin had to do a month long summer case in France. 

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