"Hidan as much as I would to learn the ways and the wills of lord Jashin, I really need to go somewhere" I lie. Hidan pinned me down and I just got the idea into my head that something bad was going to happen. Hidan leaned in and was about to kiss your neck when *BOOM*. An explosion went off and we was hurdling down the corridor. I laughed when I saw my room exploded and Tobi was sat rubbing his ass but then I realised, my room was exploded. I shook with anger. "DEIDARA!!!!!!" I ran into my room and through the hole in the wall. Deidara was hiding in there. I yelled at him. A lot. I laid on what was left of my bed and sighed. No more excitement for one day.
Tobi crawled over to the edge of my bed.
"Tobi is extremely sorry for upsetting Amelia earlier. Tobi only wants Amelia happy." I looked at Tobi then looked at the room. I patted the bed and Tobi climbed up. My arm went around him and I snuggled to him.
"Tobi you don't have to apologise, you didn't do anything wrong. You are free to sleep in my bed tonight, just at that end of the bed" I said. I can't believe I just invited a male to sleep in my bed, even if this... person of the... opposite sex does have a brain of a 7 year old.Konan cooked dinner and we were all gathered around the massive table. I sat down with Hidan on one side and Tobi on the other. Tobi kept playing with his food. We had potatoes and Tobi stuck his knife and fork in them and pretended they were legs with feet. Hidan kept touching me. I am really starting to hate that man. Eventually everyone had left, except for me and Deidara. Deidara scooted closer to me and was soon sat next to me eating his meal.
"Sorry about your room, un, Tobi was just annoying me" Deidara explained. I just ate the rest of my meal. "Are you mad, un?" He asked.
"No I'm not mad" I say and drink some water.
"You went into Hidan's room earlier. Is something happening between you to, un?" I spit my water out.
"Why would you suggest that?" I look at him.
"You was in there a long while, un." Deidara was leaning against the table while I was picking up my pots and glass. We had both finished our dinner.
"Deidara, nothing is happening between me and- omg" I turned to see Deidara. His body seemed very... very... sexy. He stood up straight.
"I heard Tobi is sleeping in your bed, is something happening between you to, un" Deidara looked at me. He had that look in his eye.
"No Deidara, Tobi is only sleeping in my bed because you blew up his." I explain.
"Would you like to sleep in my bed,un?" He asked in a mumble.
"Nothing, un"
"You just asked me to sleep in your bed"
"yes I did, un"
"Because your beautiful and I'm scared Tobi is going to take advantage of that, un"
"That doesn't sound like Tobi"
"How do you think Tobi got in this organisation. He's to childish to be a murderer, un" Deidara lied to me. He knows I don't know many people here and he's using that against me to try and get me in bed with him.
"I'm not sure I want to sleep in a bed with a man anymore"
"Well Tobi's not going to let you kick him out of your bed and if Hidan found out you slept with Tobi he'd wanna sleep with you, un" Deidara was swaying me.
"I don't would say no to Hidan, I hate his guts"
"Then sleep in my bed and I promise you will be fine, un, besides I'm your best friend here." Its true Deidara is my best friend here. He has my explosive personality only he turns his out bursts into explosions. I admire that about him. At the moment he doesn't seem like my best friend, more like my knight in shining armour.Hidan walks in.
"I forgot my f****** scythe. Hey what's f****** happening here then?" Hidan smirked getting cocky.
"Deidara was just telling me that sleeping in the same bed as Tobi would be bad because he would take advantage of me" I said with a light smile.
"That doesn't-" Deidara put his finger on his own lips to shush Hidan. "Oooooh so your sleeping with Deidara here, riiighht"
"Yes I am, and I'm tired now so may I go now?" I ask Deidara. Dei told me to wait outside and then he'd go with me. That made me blush.*with Deidara and Hidan*
"Your using Tobi and her lack of knowledge on everyone to get her into bed. That's a pretty f****** risky game my friend" Hidan smirked. He had the idea that if Deidara could get me into bed with him then he could, after all, according to himself, He is the sexiest man to walk the earth.
"How is it risky, un?" Deidara asks.
"Well, Amelia is a proud person, just like you. If someone does something that upsets her, like someone lying to her, she will explode." Hidan explains he has a devious grin on his face.
"Her explosions is why she is true art, un" Deidara smiles.
"Still f****** risky. Tell her I wanna speak to her tomorrow" Hidan was smirking. He figured he would wait for me to sleep with him before telling me that Deidara was lying to me. He wanted to see me angry again.*normal*
Deidara comes out and smiles at me.
"So are we going, un?" Deidara smiles. I nod and we walk. He puts his arm around me. "
"Deidara" I say.
"hmm?" He says as we approach his room.
"Is there a chance your lying to me about Tobi, its just that he was talking to me while you was talking to Hidan" I say.
Tobi skipped down the corridor.
"Hey Amelia, Tobi's very excited to be sharing a bed with you tonight." Tobi chirped. I backed against the wall.
"Actually Tobi, change of plans." I said. Tobi stopped.
"What? Did Tobi do something wrong? Is Amelia kicking Tobi out of the bed because Tobi annoyed her? Tobi's a good boy so Tobi is sorry" I giggled slightly.
"No, Tobi can still stay in Amelia's bed. Tobi is a good boy, its just that I am sleeping somewhere else!" I said. 'Tobi is excited to be sharing a bed with you tonight' I thought to myself. That sounds like he wants to rape me. "Why was Tobi so excited?" I ask. If Tobi answers something which I think sounds perverted then he does want to rape me but on the other hand if he doesn't then Deidara lied to me.
"Tobi was gonna read Amelia a bed time story and then sing a special lullaby that Tobi used to get when he was a child. Then when Amelia was asleep Tobi was going to sneak down stairs and steel all the vanilla ice cream from the freezer- just ignore the ice cream thing." Tobi skipped away happily. So Deidara was lying to me then.*end of flash back*
"Okay Amelia, un, I did lie to you" Deidara admits. His head hangs low and he looks extremely guilty.
"Why did you tell me that Tobi was a pervert?" I ask.
"Well, um" Deidara blushed. I looked at him. I put a hand on his cheek.
"If you was jealous of Tobi and just wanted to sleep in the same bed as me all you had to do was ask. I wouldn't have necessarily have turned you down."
"So if I asked you, you might have said yes, un?" Deidara asked.
"If I knew it meant that much to you"
"So will you sleep in my bed, un?"
"NO!" I slap him.
"but you just said,un"
"You lied to me, and you expect me to be happy with you instantly. I wouldn't sleep with you if you had mouths on your hands"
"I do have mouths on my hands, un"
"I rest my case" I ran off to my room and saw Tobi crying on my bed. I jumped on him and smiled. "Turns out I'm sleeping here with you after all, so you can read me that story, sing me that lullaby and then both of us steel all the ice cream from the freezer." I laugh.

Jashin's will
FanfictionFound drowning in the ocean, 18 year old Amelia was rescued by some men. These men soon became her best friends, well apart from one of them. Disclaimers- I do not own any of the characters apart from Amelia. Readers must be 13+.