A/n- if this was a lee story id have Amelia say "My 7th gate is itching and I want to6th gate something and then I wanna reach my 5th gate and one day create a new 3rd gate and if u are willing to u can 6th gate my 1st gate ;)" to lee but it's not, it's a Hidan one so it's more of a "just f******* f*** me Hidan!" XD
"MOVIE NIGHT!!!" Tobi cheered. I groaned because it meant that I had to spend time with everyone. "BE IN THE LOUNGE BY 5!" I groaned again.
"Amelia" I hear a voice behind me, "Hey Amelia" I turned when a hand grabbed my shoulder. I was scared it was going to be Hidan but even more scared it was going to be Deidara. He hasn't left me alone since the incident with Hidan. That was weeks ago now. I don't think I can take it anymore. I was glad when I found out it wasn't him. "Hey Amelia" It was Konan. I let out a sigh of relief.
"Hi Konan" I smile.
"Do you fancy going shopping with me, you know ditch the boys for once, have a girls day out?" (I really can't do Konans personality sorry (0~0) )
"Ditch the boys?" Konan nods, "I'd love to. They have become a bit overwhelming." I say.
"That's what you get when you live with 8 boys." Me and Konan don't talk much but when we do it's fun. She's the only other girl in the hideout, talking to her is kind of a relief.So me an Konan went out shopping. She told Deidara that he has to leave me alone and not worry about me while we are out. She said she would take good care of me. Yeah and by that she meant she would get me to wear outfits which will 'excite' Deidara when he sees me. At the moment I am wearing a tight, red belly top and a matching red skirt that goes to my knees. I feel uncomfortable because there is so much skin showing. The top has thin small sleeves (like a tank tops)and I feel quite uncomfortable showing my belly. I walk out the changing room and look in the mirror. I look quite sexy in my opinion but I can't see myself wearing this much. If it excites Deidara then it will probably excite Hidan. I am scared of the things he has done to me and I'm scared of the influence he has over me. I swore that id never talk to him again but he convinced me. Just like he nearly convinced me into bed with him again. God I'm so gullible and stupid.
"You look so sexy." Konan says smiling. She was wearing a dark blue dress, kind of like the one I wore for the party.
"So do you, Pein is a lucky man."
"No Peincy isn't the lucky man, Deidara is. You look so good" She looks at me. She pokes my shoulder "what's this?" She asks. My shoulder has a circle with an upside down triangle burnt onto it.
"That wasn't there a few minutes ago" The symbol starts to sting.
"where did it come from then?" I rub it slightly.
"I don't know but I've seen it before." I say. Hidan has that symbol around his neck. I need answers but I don't want to face him alone. Maybe I wont have to.
"Hidan wears it around his neck. I need to know what this means" I run off before paying for the out fit and security guards chase me. They aren't going to stop me. I need to get to Hidan. Konan ran out not long after me and soon caught up."I promised Deidara I would protect you, so I wont let you talk to him alone" I noticed the guards had stopped chasing me.
"Did you take out the guards?" I ask. She nods. I smile 'Thanks Konan' I think. We run to the hideout and stand outside of Hidan's room. I was about to knock but then lower my hand and gulp. Konan knocked on the door because I chickened out. The door opened.
"B**** What the f*** do you want?" Hidan said when he saw me. I looked down. Why does he never wear a shirt.
"Hidan, Amelia has some questions about your religion" Konan said. Hidan let us in. He seemed interested in what questions I had.
"So what f****** questions do you have?" I looked at him then pointed at my shoulder.
"Why is there a Jashanism symbol burnt into my shoulder?" I ask him.
"You have a what f****** burnt on you?" I turned myself to show Hidan the scar. He touched it and it stung a little. I let out a small whimper of pain as he touches it. He found it funny so he put his full hand on it. I screamed in pain.
"Hidan don't" Konan said. She removed his hand.
"Where did you even f****** get that anyway?" Hidan asks.
"I DONT KNOW, THATS WHY I F****** CAME TO YOU DIPS***!" I swore loads. Konan looked shocked at me. She knows I don't swear. Hidan was just as shocked as Konan."Ill tell you about it" Hidan said. I looked at him. He pulled out a Kunai and stabbed it into my hand. It hurt. A lot. He pulled the kunai out and the wound healed. "Congratulations, you f****** became immortal." I looked at my hand. Konan heard her name from the hall and so left.
"How did I become immortal? I know nothing about Jashanism" Hidan laughed at me. I pouted at him.
"What's f****** funny Hidan?" Why was I swearing so much. I hate swearing. All my parents ever did was swear and I hate it. They swore then beat each other and then beat me. I hate them as well.
"You are. You f****** started to swear. You are getting angry easy and- " I punched the wall.
"And you have gotten violent. I think your about to find out what a jashinist is real soon" Hidan laughed. He put his hand on the scar. It stung again but I didn't wince, I just laughed.
"What if I don't wanna be a stupid Jashinist?" I ask.
"Then you will be upsetting a very powerful God" Hidan laughed. "I wouldn't f****** do that if I were you, ill help you with everything if-"
"if?" I perk up.
"If you sleep with me," He leans close to my ear "You look really sexy in that outfit." He licks and nibbles at my ear. I didn't know what to do. Should I sleep with him or not? A smirk grew on my face.
"Ill do it, but just this once" I say.
"Once, unless you beg for more" Hidan smirks.

Jashin's will
FanfictionFound drowning in the ocean, 18 year old Amelia was rescued by some men. These men soon became her best friends, well apart from one of them. Disclaimers- I do not own any of the characters apart from Amelia. Readers must be 13+.