a/n- I didn't feel like writing another lemon so you did have sex but you wont be reading it.
I feel so... so wonderful. I haven't felt this way in years. I am laid in Hidan's arms. I don't know why I'm doing this. Hidan was asleep. I stood up and put my clothes on. I thought it best to leave Hidan where he was and get some air. As I left Deidara was stood in the door way. His head was sunk low. He stepped out of the way to let me by and then he fell to his knees. I walked by. I cant be dealing with him right now, I have to much on my plate. Am I a Jashinist now? I'm so confused.
Sitting on a tree branch, I pulled out a kunai. I need to know the truth. I raised the kunai ready to stab myself in the chest.
"Amelia, what are you doing?" White Zetzu asked.
"Your not trying to kill yourself are you?"
"No I'm not Zetzu" I stab myself and fall out off the tree. Zetzu panics and I black out. I wake up about 2 minutes later to Zetzu still panicking. Tobi was now with him. Where did he come from?
"Tobi, what the f*** are you doing here?" I ask.
"OMMMMM AMELIA SAID A BAD WORD!" Tobi yelled at the top of his lungs pointing at me.
"I thought you didn't swear." White Zetzu said.
"You are against swearing" Black Zetzu said. I shook my head. I don't understand my life anymore. All I know is that I cant die. But isn't immortality a curse? I believe it is. Immortality is my curse.I went back inside. Deidara was still on his knees in the hall. Konan walked up to him and got him stood up. She was talking to him with a smile. He didn't seem happy. I think I broke Deidara.
(Deidaras POV)
My heart sank. I went to Kakuzu to see if hell buy me some new clay and Amelia walked out of the room, Hidan was laid on the bed asleep, probably naked. After everything she went through with Hidan and she still went back to him. I'm not going to cry, though I really want to. I let her walk by and then I fell to my knees. I bet she didn't even look back. I don't care if she did, our relationship is over. Sasori was right, I should never have gotten into anything with Amelia. She's like art, a blank sculpture which has its few minutes of beauty before vanishing. Why didn't I listen to Sasori, and now I am paying the price. I heard the front door open. How long was I knelt down? I saw in my peripheral vision a bloody Amelia. She looked at me with sorrow and guilt. A hand rested on my shoulder but it wasn't Amelia's, it was Konan.
"Hey" She said with a light smile on her face. I just looked at her. I couldn't get my words out.
"S-she did it again, un" Was all I managed to croak out.
"Deidara, Amelia is going through changes, I know because I went with her to Hidan, she didn't want to do it but she needed answers." Konan said. She's just trying to cheer me up.
"SHE SLEPT WITH HIDAN! WHAT IS SO IMPORTANT THAT SHE NEEDS TO DO THAT TO GET THE ANSWERS!" I yelled. Its not Konan's fault but I just feel like shouting at the world. Konan smiled.
"Ask her yourself" she said simply. Amelia was right behind me. I wanted to strangle her. I wanted to know how I felt but I didn't want to hurt her. I still love her.
"Well, un?" I asked. She looked down.
"I kinda sorta became a Jashinist and I don't understand how" She said. I slapped her across the face. The last time someone did that her eyes started to water and she ran. This time she burst out laughing."What is with you, un?" I asked.
"That is what I f****** went to find out" She swore as well. This doesn't sound like Amelia at all what's happened to her.
"Are you under mind control or something, un, you don't seem yourself." I say. She laughs.
"Its part of my f****** curse. GUESS WHAT KONAN IM ALSO IMMORTAL!" She yelled at Konan.
"I know, Hidan stabbed your hand."
"I stabbed my heart. I'm not f****** dead. I wish I was" She tried to kill herself? Amelia's hand went on my cheek and then she lightly stroked it with her thumb. This feels like Amelia. Not the angry, swearing cheater but the soft, caring lovely girl I've come to know. I noticed something on her arm.
"What's that, un?" I ask. Have I already forgiven her? She has a burnt symbol into her arm. Did she also do this to herself? Does she really believe she's a Jashinist?

Jashin's will
FanfictionFound drowning in the ocean, 18 year old Amelia was rescued by some men. These men soon became her best friends, well apart from one of them. Disclaimers- I do not own any of the characters apart from Amelia. Readers must be 13+.