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"Where is she!" I heard a gruff stallion holler.
"We got to find her boys! Burn the place if you have to!"
"On it boss!"
The village was burning. Children were crying and the citizens scared.
"Guys she is here. She is the key!"
Who were they looking for? I wondered.
"If you guys don't fess up some pony will get hurt!" Said the gruff stallion.
I was frightened. The sounds of screaming and blasts of magic made me terrified. Just then my mother burst in my room!
"Snow! The house is on fire. You got to leave!" She yelled.
"I can't leave you mother!" I said my eyes filling with tears.
"Here I packed you a warm cloak,a bit of food and stuff to keep warm. And a little something else. Now go!" She yelled desperately.
I hugged her and jumped out the window just before our house was completely engulfed in flames. I then ran down the mountain and ventured across the frozen snow. As I looked back at my village, I saw my village on fire. Then it started to collapse into a bunch of rubble. My eyes filled with tears as I saw the house my mother raised me in collapse and she was in it.
________________________ I kept galloping till I was out of breath. The cold wind howled as I entered an abandon cave. I had a few scratches and a bruise. I looked in the sack my mom packed. There was a cloak,blankets,a bit of food,a jug and my necklace that I had ever since. I strike up a small fire with some sticks laying around to stay warm. I also melt some ice in my jug to have water. As I go to sleep under my warm blanked I put my necklace on and cried.

Daughter of the AlicornsWhere stories live. Discover now