I awoke the next morning breathing heavily and clammy with sweat and it was not a pleasant thing to wake up to. Another unpleasant surprise was that my entire room was in shambles; broken glass lay at the foot of my window and that awful cold breeze wafted in, billowing at my curtains; books were scattered about my room; my clothes sprayed the floor and items were smashed. All I could do was quickly get myself washed and dressed and then try and tidy as much as I could before Charlie saw this destruction.
Charlie had already gone to work by the time I was downstairs. I was just about to chuck down some orange juice and cereal when there was a knock at the door.
It was Rigan. Today, she wore a complicated black net top over a black T-shirt with an owl with creepy red eyes. She also wore PU side leggings and her favourite Demonica boots. Naturally, there was a leather jacket to complete the look. She did not look happy in her eyes but she had a smile on her face.
"Morning, Bella Stella!" she said as happily as she could. "Sleep well?"
"No," I admitted, letting her in. "But then again, neither did you I suspect. You look exhausted."
Rigan shuffled a bit on her feet. "Actually, I didn't sleep at all last night," she said in an incredibly serious tone. "Plus, you can relax today. Edward Cullen is not here; he's out of town for a few days."
"What?" I said sharply, causing Rigan to look slightly surprised. "Why? I quickly asked.
Rigan shrugged. "Dunno. I just overheard on my way here, that's all. So that means you don't have to worry about the jerk."
I nodded, my mind drifting to my room. "I need to tell you something," I said. "Rigan, you're not going to believe me."
Rigan scoffed. "How farfetched could it be? Shoot."
"I woke up this morning from a nightmare that I had. I totally trashed my room and I have no idea how I did it. My windows were broken and all my clothes and books and stuff were on the floor. Some of my stuff had smashed."
Rigan listened in silence and with wide eyes.
"I'm not going crazy, am I?" I asked anxiously.
Rigan said nothing for another minute and then said, "What was your nightmare about?"
"You," I had to admit, because Rigan could find out the truth behind even the tiniest of lies without having to use much effort. "And the Cullens. You were in some really dark woods and then suddenly the Cullens came and one of them, the pretty blonde one, tried to attack you but somehow, you stopped her in thin air. Then it changed to you fighting three other people in an old power plant here and that's when I woke up."
More silence. Rigan then sighed in frustration.
"Dang it, dang it, dang it," she muttered to herself but loud enough for me to hear. "This cannot be happening."
"What? You know what is happening?!" My tone was a mixture of surprise and fear.
Rigan then looked at me, her eyes deadly serious and when I mean deadly I mean if looks could kill, I'd be like a victim of Medusa."Bella, listen to me. Like I told you once before, the Cullens are not to be trusted. But this was just a dream; it does not mean anything. Now, we're going to go to school and you are not even going to as much as look at Cullen's siblings. OK?"
I frowned at Rigan. She was treating me as if I was some kind of naughty little child! How dare she?! Suddenly, the lights flickered and the kitchen door slammed shut. I jumped a little in surprise but Rigan did not flinch a msucle; instead, she looked ready to challenge me or something but then she composed her expression and small smirk appeared.

FanfictionBella comes to Forks and reunites with Rigan an old childhood friend who moved to England at Forks High School. Bella soon discovers that Rigan is not the most well-liked person at Forks High; Rigan picked a lot of fights with the school bullies. Ho...