Thunder crashed and lightning flashes. The winds howled through out the house and outside as well, invading through the panes that had not have their glass replaced. I lay awake, my guilt keeping me from sleeping; the lights in my room flickered anxiously, not liking my negative emotions. Soon, I got enough of them going on and off rapidly.
"Cut it out!" I snapped.
Every bulb in the room blew out, sending sparks flying into all corners of the room. I breathed out in laboured breaths, trying to calm myself down. I sighed in frustration, causing the temperature in the room turned from cold to freezing.
I closed my eyes, finally drifting off.
Only, this dream had to be a nightmare like the rest of the ones I've had.
Waylon's ghost appeared before me, bite marks all over him. "You let me die. You let them get to me."
Waylon vanished and was replaced by Edward Cullen. "I want to kill you, not be your friend. You're a Mordain, and I'm a Cold One. We cannot be friends."
Jessica, Angela, Mike and Eric then appeared, none of them looking friendly towards me. "You're a witch! You let an innocent man die because you couldn't figure out a vision!"
Charlie replaced my friends. "Waylon is dead because of you; I have lost a thirty-year-old friend to the weakness of my daughter! If you have such powerful abilities, why don't you control them properly?"
Then, someone different appeared. A girl with red-brown hair, kaledioscopic eyes and a pale, freckled face appeared to me, dressed in a simple black dress. Even though in a dream, the girl radiated an aura unlike Rigan's; something slightly more powerful and sinister. Like this girl could turn you to a pile of ash in a blink of an eye.
"Who are you?" I whispered.
The girl beamed at me. "I am Rachel," she said. "A friend of Rigan's. You must be her bloodsister, Bella. I've heard more than enough about you."
I stammered. "But . . . you're . . . in a . . . right?"
Rachel laughed. "Bella, I may be in a coma but my animus still wonders freely and because of this, I can tap into the dreams of my fellow Mordains. I've been waiting a long time to contact you."
"Why did you wait?"
"You weren't ready; your Awakening was more powerful than antisipated. But now it's time to talk."
"About what?"
"Rigan. No matter what happens in the future, don't let her out of your sight when you go to Phoenix! If you do, use the blood to save her."
"You are making no sense!"
"Bella, awake!" Rachel said urgently. "Awake, now! Now!"
I shot awake, only to be met with a room that was volcanic in temperature and to see fire eating away at my bed. I cursed and glared at the blaze, which then flickered few a few moments before disappearing completely.
I sighed, feeling my forehead. As I had predicated, I was sweaty and clammy.
I did not go to school the next day; I told Rigan that I was going into the woods to do some extra training. I of course did not mention Rachel's invasion into my nightmare, or the fire that had started in my room. Besides, the darkness and the low lying fog made the woods an ideal place for me to practise.
I focused on the power coursing through my body, making my hair snap with electricity and my teeth hum but unlike the rest of the time, something was different; it was like the power didn't like being focused on. It was as if the power station's etxra boost had given it a life of its own.

FanfictionBella comes to Forks and reunites with Rigan an old childhood friend who moved to England at Forks High School. Bella soon discovers that Rigan is not the most well-liked person at Forks High; Rigan picked a lot of fights with the school bullies. Ho...