Falling(Remus Lupin & Antonin Dolohov)~Chapter Seven: Lily's Dream

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Antonin POV

Ah, the curses of witty banter. Damn, how am I suppose to know what happened when I was three years old? I then realized it really wasn't anything. But compare a habit now to a past habit... I didn't like that.

And if Short-stock is my cousin... oh, shit. I can't let him anywhere near my secret stash of Chocolate Frogs inside my trunk in the dorms where Short-stock could easily steal them. My sweet Chocolate Frogs. How will I survive without Chocolate Frogs?

I simply went to the Forbidden Forest. It was a nice haven, despite of what kinds of creatures that could lurk in the shadows. It was cool outside, since it was almost November. The sky was a misty grey. It was about to rain.

I took cover under a fallen tree that was leaning against the side of another tree. I still got a little wet, but it was better than standing out in the open. The rain came harder and faster.

I noticed a huge shape in the distance. Hagrid. One of my worst nightmares. I knew the guy was half-giant, but he might as well have overloaded on growth hormone.

I sprinted through the forest, pelted by the cruel rain. I was a little annoyed when I could really feel my wet clothes. I hated wearing soaking wet clothes. Especially when my underwear was wet.

I ducked into the entrance, just to get out of the rain. I raced to the Gryffindor common room, spitting out the password when I reached the portrait of the Fat Lady. I dashed into the Common room.

"Antonin?" Lily murmered.

"Huh?" I said.

"Could I... tell you something?"

What would Lily want to tell me? Lily and I weren't really that close. Then again, I did consider her my second best female friend.

Lily took a deep breath. "Last night, I had a dream."

"About what?"

"A boy."

"What boy?"

"I'll tell you! Now, quit interrupting me. A little boy who was about a year old. He looked like... James."

"So, you dreamed about mini-James. What does that have to do with anything?"

Lily whispered, "Vol-Vol...You-Know-Who tried to kill him."

"If Voldy tried to kill Li'l James, then he killed Li'l James. No way could a one-year-old defend himself from Voldy."

Lily was silent.

I concluded, "Listen, this is either real, or a nightmare induced by fear. What do you think?"

"It is real. I know it. But it hasn't happened yet."

To tell you the truth, I was creeped out. Voldy killing a baby? That was plain wrong. That was probably the best reason why he should become the male version of Mother Teresa, and take care of orphaned kids.

"Will you tell anybody?" Lily asked.

"Hell, no! You told me, well not to, well, not really tell anybody, so I'm not telling anybody. Why did you tell me about your dream?"

"It... seemed right."

"Okay." What an odd response to come from the brain of Lily.

Falling(Remus Lupin & Antonin Dolohov)~Chapter One: Train RideWhere stories live. Discover now