Falling(Remus Lupin & Antonin Dolohov)~Chapter One: Train Ride

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Alison POV

   I was heading to Hogwarts for my fifth year. I was only a train ride away from Hogwarts. A few more train rides away from becoming an Auror.

   I found an empty compartment for my best friends: James, Peter, Sirius(Well, he's really my uncle. Whatever.), and Antonin. My other BFFs, Lily and Remus, were stuck in the Prefects' compartments since they were... well, Prefects.

   Anyway, we were talking about the following: pranks for the year, motorcycles, how to become Animgi, and Quidditch. All of the usual stuff.

   Until Snivellous(aka Severus Snape) came in our compartment.

 "What in the hell are you doing here?" James snapped.

 James hated Snivellous. Snivellous hated James. They hated each other over one girl, Lily. Rivalry ensued via threats and pranks.

 Snivellous retreated back out of the compartment without an insult.

 "That wasn't nice," Antonin murmered.

 "Yep," Peter agreed.

   "Lily will be mine this year!" James declared.

   "That is what you say every year," muttered Sirius.

 Sirius wasn't kidding at the moment. Ever since James prevented Lily from the boat in our first year, James vowed every year that Lily would become his girlfriend. Every year, of course, he was wrong.

 "That will happen when Snivellous starts using shampoo," I added.

 Everybody, exept James, cracked up.

 "Maybe you're right. But Snivellous can discover shampoo any day," James said.

 Antonin suggested, "You could also get more serious with homework. Lily will fall for anybody who suggests a study date."

 We were surprised that Antonin was giving out love advice. Still, we couldn't help but snicker. Antonin never had a girlfriend, but he did have a girly-girl cousin that was basically a walking, talking love/beauty guide.

 James grinned. "Brilliant advice. I'll take it."

 "Whoa, hold it," Sirius said, "Girls don't like guys to change into someone else. Be James Potter, not Geek McDork, the King of Dorkdom."

 "Um, you could try that Guidebook of Girls book. I hear Jazz has used a few tricks from that book." Peter offered.

 Jazz was the ultimate player in the history of players. He had charm that could win over anybody. I had a feeling that his secret charm didn't come from a book. Besides, Jazz hated reading.

 Sirius looked at me. "Fucking swear you won't tell Lily about this?"

 "No, I'll tell every living and nonliving girl in Hogwarts," I joked.

 James glared at me in a somewhat pleading way.

 I sighed. "I solemly swear that not a word of this will come out of my mouth. But I might tell Remus, though."

 "Only tell Remus." James said.

 "Alright." I replied. I was not the person to reply, "Okie-dokie" or anything like that.

   With that, the conversation veered toward pranks, Quidditch, and a random conversation about house-elves, until we had to get off the train, and onto carriges.

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