Falling(Remus Lupin & Antonin Dolohov)~Chapter Four: Snogging Is Now Bad

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Remus POV

October 13, 1975

Laying on the common room couch, I was taking a nap. And day-dreaming about...well, Voldy kissing Ms. Clearwaters, the Potions professor. It was more of a nightmare. The type of nightmare that is almost traumitizing.


I then heard a low whistle. I woke up to find Jazz Lido with his arm around Alison.


Note to self: make sure James and Sirius give me Jazz as a chew toy next full moon.


What the hell, I thought. This has to be a dream.


Until Antonin muttered, "What the bloody hell?"


"I'll be damned." Sirius said.


"What are you all cursing about?" Lily asked.


Peter pointed at Ali and Jazz. "See our point."


Lily's eyes scanned them, and gasped, "Oh!"


Then it got a lot worse. A hell lot worse. Jazz leaned into Alison, and kissed her. She kissed back, and they started a snogging war.


What next? Lily would start going out with Sirius? Pigs would fly? Voldy would die? I kind of had the words of a poet.


"Merlin's beard!" James declared.


"What has happened to Europe?" Peter asked.


Lily's eyes got all dreamy. "It's kind of romantic."


We all stared at her.There had to be something going around with the girls. Love-itis or something.


But James got a goofy look on his face. "Just as it would be romantic for-"


Lily slapped him. Sirius, Peter, Antonin, and I couldn't help but snicker.


"-us to go out," James finished.


Lily slapped him harder."Get a life."


With that, Lily headed to the library-most likely.


Ali then joined us. "Hello, guys. What's up?"


Peter replied, "Lily slapped James."


"Hard." added James.


"She should've done a Bat-Bogey Hex." Brice Eaves, Gryffindor's bully, said as he passed us.

James headed to him, but Sirius and I held him back.


"Dude, he's a seventh-year." I reminded James.


Sirius added, "And he's skilled in DADA."


James sighed. "I'll hex him tomorrow."


"Or send him in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom." Alison suggested.


James nodded. "I kind of like that idea."


"C'mon, babe!" Jazz said.


I nearly gagged. It was as bad as an even sappier version of Romeo and Juliet. I was about to lunge at him, but Sirius then grabbed me in a headlock, and messed up my hair. James did the same with Antonin.

Jazz gave Antonin and I a very strange look, as if we were just a pair of idiots. Alison gave a half-questioning look to all of us. Peter gave Alison a look that clearly meant I-thought-you-were-immune-his-charm.-Why-are-you-going-out-with-him?.


With that, the new love birds headed out of the common room.


"I really should ask Jazz how he can get any girl he wants." Peter mumbled.


I was wondering how Ali would ever date Jazz. What in the hell has happened to Europe?

Falling(Remus Lupin & Antonin Dolohov)~Chapter One: Train RideWhere stories live. Discover now