Mirror mirror

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Mirror Mirror on the wall
Fairest in the land I know I am not
but can you, will you show me what they see
for all I see as I gaze upon your reflective surface is:
two eyes of different shape of the same muddy brown and hidden behind glasses,
a too plump nose with a mole smack dab in the middle,
lips too big to be normal for a white girl,
laugh lines at 17,
discolored and crooked teeth,
and that's just my face.
Hair so straight it does nothing at all,
boobs that are neither small nor large but a disgrace to look upon,
love handles that aren't even that because my hip curve in and out too much,
fat thighs, big feet, that cause normal walking a chore.
I see all of this and more.

I don't see beauty when I look upon your reflective surface, dear mirror on the wall
I see a plain jane just begging for recognition that will never come.

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