Five | Bumbling bimbo blondes

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Today, Dale will come to "take me on a date". And I have prepared very, very well.

As I brought food up to the stepwitches, I pretended to receive a text.

"Oh! I have a text!" I said loudly, exaggerating my words so they'd take notice.

"Hm. It seems to be from Dale the Chipmunk from our school! I wonder what he sent!"

That definitely piqued their interests.

"Dale?" Jenny squeaked. I swear I'll lose my hearing before I can get out of this hell hole because of her pitchy, pubescent teen voice issues.

"What did he send?" Penny gushed. I mentally gagged.

"Oh, just a message for you. He says he's too shy to ask you two out so he wants me to ask if-" I began.

"YES." Jenny screeched. Penny waved her arms around her face as if fanning it from the excitement. I tried not to barf on the carpet which I'd just steam cleaned a day ago.

"He says he'll be over at five pm." I smirk and turn around so they don't see.

I leave them in their state of pure joyous idiocy. What a bunch of bumbling bimbo blondes.

Wow, I'm good. I should write poetry.

I go back to busying myself with their birthday preparations, wondering how it's possible to obtain a real pink unicorn for unicorn rides.

Shortly after my fake message was delivered, (however the time was a truth) Penny called (ordered) me to their room. It really wasn't even a room. More like a luxurious suite that took up most of the top floor of the sprawling mansion.

It smelled strongly of a vanilla stench. I made a mental note to bring Lysol next time I came here. I heard it kills 99.9% or all bacteria, germs, and viruses.

Who knows what kind of sickness I may contract from their gag worthy air.

"You called, Penny?" I said with a monotone voice and a mocking curtsy.

She and Jenny were seated in chairs with the backs facing me. They whirled around in synchronization.

They looked at me with utter distaste and I shot the same look back at them.

"Your shoes are disgusting. But I suppose those are worker type shoes." Jenny started. I scowled. There's nothing wrong with converse.

"Ew, look at her jeans. It's like he can't afford to buy new ones," Penny cackled.

Well of course I have ripped jeans, your stepwitch of a mother holds my trust fund and I can't work since I'm already a slave here.

"Did you just sass us?" Jenny demanded. Did I just say that out loud? Well, looks like there's no going back now.

"No, I didn't," I said sarcastically.

Jenny turned to Penny dramatically and they exchanged a knowing look.

"Your hair looks like a cat died and you decided to refurbish it."

"That shirt is so baggy, I bet you beat up a fat kid and stole it."

"What's with the necklace? Poor servant girls shouldn't be wearing jewelry, no matter how hideous."

That last insult snapped my final nerve. I couldn't even fire a comeback due to my shaking knees. I dropped the cleaning supplies I held and rushed out of their room. I heard their cackles resonate down the long staircase.

Rushing outside, I didn't even notice the rain. I just sat and cried. That necklace was the last thing I had of my mom. My dad, in a fit of rage, destroyed everything that reminded us of her.

It's proof I guess that no matter how hard you try to be strong, everyone has a breaking point.

"Ellie?" A voice said softly.

By evening, the rain has only worsened and I've stopped crying, just watching the rain hit the pavement.

"Don't call me that," I immediately reply. I feel tears prom the corners of my eyes. Only my mom could call me Ellie.

"I'm sorry." The voice says again. I look up, and it's none other than Dale the Chipmunk.

"I thought woodland creatures hid under logs when it rained," I spat sarcastically. There we go. Back to normal.

He sat down next to me. "Not this one. I've got a date with a pretty girl." He brandished a bouquet of sunflowers.

"Sunflowers?" I wondered.

"Yeah, I figured someone like you wouldn't be impressed by plain red roses," he smiled cheekily.

"You thought right. But I'm allergic to flowers." I said. Dale sighed and looked at me.

"What," I glared at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I want to kiss you." He replied.

I burst into laughter, all bad thoughts of that day gone. "Your pick up lines really need some work," I managed between chuckles.

"Then maybe you can help me test them out?" He said and I kept laughing.

"Do your worst, chipmunk boy."

"You can fall from the sky, you can fall from a tree, but the best way to fall in love is with me," he quirked his eyebrows suggestively.

"I'd rather fall off a cliff. Into boiling water. Filled with piranhas. And Lego blocks." I dead panned.

"Fair enough, how about this one. Do you have a name or can I call you mine?"

"It's Elliot," I rolled my eyes. "Do you have a working brain? Or can I call you Frankenstein?"

Dale laughed at that one.

We soon settled into a comfortable silence after the cheesy pick up line war.

"Dale! There you are, we were starting to think you forgot us!" I panicked as Jenny and Penny rushed towards us on the porch.

"You don't have to bore yourself talking to the servant girl. We're here!" They snuggled up to Dale closely, and he looked extremely uncomfortable.

"So, how about that date?" He looked at me.

"Yea sure why not," I replied and he grabbed my hand as we ran from the stepwitch duo.

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