Seven | Doofus in tights

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I avoided Dale all day at school.

It was surprisingly difficult. I didn't think chipmunks were the type to be very adept at stalking, but Dale was an exception it seemed.

"Who are you avoiding again?" Jack asked, ever oblivious.

"Dale, Elliot's Prince Charming," Mary said dramatically. I scowled.

"He isn't my Prince Charming. I don't need any doofus in tights to come save me."

"But he did save you from the stepwitches and buy you amazing pizza," Jack pointed out unhelpfully. Great, the one time Jack pays attention and it's to prove me wrong.

From the corner of my eye I can see an unwelcome visitor and I try to use Mary and Jack as a shield, unfortunately they're traitors.

"Hey Mary, Jack. Mind if I borrow Elliot? Thanks," Dale said smoothly and swept me to one side. The traitorous duo basically sprinted away, winking and mentally telling me they're doing this because they ship us.

Honestly, it's all Jack's fault. He got Mary, the tough, action-adventure movie lover into rom coms and now they think my life is one.

How wrong they are.

"Why are you following me?" I frowned.

"My mom always told me to go chase my dreams." He replied swiftly, as if he'd planned out this conversation.

I almost smiled. I'd missed his cheesy pick up lines. Not that I'd ever admit it out loud though.

"Well I really need to get to my next class, so bye." I said quickly and sped up my pace, desperate to leave this awkward situation.

Dale caught up to me quickly. "It's lunch."

I stopped and cursed internally. Of course it had to be lunch.

"Why are you avoiding me? I thought we were friends...or getting there at least," Dale said, confused and a little hurt. I grimaced. I couldn't tell him. It's not like he would understand. How do you tell the person with a perfect life that your's is far from it?

He knew barely anything about my home life, only that I lived in the same house as Jenny and Penny band that they're basically psychopaths. I planned to keep it that way. He didn't need to know any more than he already had found out.

I picked up my feet again and walked away again. Apparently, the only way I can solve problems is running away from them.

This time he didn't follow me.

Here's a secret: Nobody knows me. Not really, at least. Not Mary, Jack, Carter, and obviously not the stepwitches.

What happened last week felt surreal. I couldn't remember having such a good time since my mom died. I'd definitely never laughed that much in the past couple of years than I did then.

I couldn't explain it, but there was just something about Dale that scared me. Maybe how close we became and how quickly it happened.

Dorky Dale the chipmunk--my friend? He said he thought we were becoming friends.

I'm not sure about that though. Mary and Jack were friends by default because of loyalty, and Carter was just nonchalant and cool. But each of them didn't pry deeply into my life, just left things alone.

It seemed like Dale wanted to figure me out, but I'm not a puzzle waiting to be solved.

I don't need a knight in shining denim. I don't need anyone.

I have myself, don't I?

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