Chapter Eight

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There was no way I'd be able to sleep so I decided to clean instead. I spent hours scrubbing every surface of my house. I did one load of laundry twice because I was so on edge. After I couldn't clean anymore I curled up on the couch with Hendrix and thought about everything that had happened in the past couple of weeks.

How could I possibly care about someone I had just met this much. It scared me that this was just the tip of the glacier of my feelings for him.

I looked down at Hendrix who was sleeping soundly. I ran my hand over his snout and he stretched across my lap.

He popped his head up and looked around. He jumped down off of my lap and ran to the front door. I got up and followed after him. A knock sounded before I had even made it into the foyer. I opened it and was greeted with a smile. My eyes instantly looked over his body to check for injuries and wounds. I spotted a splatter of blood on his shirt and moved his jacket out of the way. It wasn't his, but who's was it?

"We didn't kill anyone." He brushed my hair behind my ear and pulled me into his arms. "We only roughed a few of them up."

"Is anyone hurt?"

"Warren has a black eye and busted lip." He chuckled. "But everyone is fine."

I remembered that Warren was the guy that had hit on me my first night in The Clubhouse.

"Not a fan of Warren?" I moved so that he could walk inside.

"He's a brother, but he's not my favorite."

"Are you hungry?" I raised my eyebrows.

"No." He kissed my cheek. "Let's go to bed and get some sleep; you have work tomorrow." I was surprised by the disappointment I felt. Sleeping is not what I had in mind.

"Okay." We walked down the hall to my bedroom. He stripped out of his clothes and laid his guns on my dresser. I never thought I'd see that sight.

We curled up in my bed and I fell asleep in his arms.

My alarm sounded frightening me out of my dream. I blinked a couple of times and looked over my shoulder at Braxton who was sleeping soundly. He always looked so beautiful when he slept. I pressed a feather light kiss to his lips which caused him to stir, but not to wake up. I smiled and peeled his arm off of me slowly. I got out of bed careful not to wake him and stumbled to the bathroom to take a hot shower.

Was this my new life? Waking up next to this Greek God? I twisted my long hair into a messy bun and then pulled on my scrubs. Time for another week in paradise.

When I walked back into my room Hendrix had taken my spot, and had moved from the edge of the bed to snuggle up next to Braxton. Lazy boys. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed one of my pre-made smoothies out of the freezer before heading to the garage. A Starbucks run was definitely necessary to start my day.

I grabbed two coffees with an extra shot of espresso and then headed to the hospital.

When I walked into my office Sarah had her head resting on the desk. Poor woman looked exhausted.

"Rough night?" I sat one of the coffees on her desk.

"Zeke didn't sleep at all last night." She explained with a yawn. "You're a lifesaver." She took a long swig of the coffee and rubbed her face.

"We're in for a long 12 hours." I sat down at my computer desk and logged on.

"Let's hope the crazies stay away." We both knew that wouldn't happen.

Halfway through the shift Sarah and I both were dragging our feet. I was walking back towards my office when the phone on my desk started ringing.

"Doctor Williams." I answered.

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