Chapter Four

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I decided to extend my shift to watch over Neil personally. I felt this strange obligation towards him.

"You should go home and get some rest." Heather, the hospital director appeared next to me while I was deep in charts.

"I should, but I won't." I smiled up at her. She handed me a huge cup of Starbucks.

"I figured that would be your answer." She flashed me a smile. "After you're done here I don't want you coming back until Thursday." She gave me a pointed look. "And I'm serious"

"Yes ma'am, and thank you for the caffeine."

"Go home Ainsley."

I was immersed in my charting when Sarah appeared at my desk with someone beside her. I looked up and locked eyes with Braxton. Dammit. I felt like I couldn't get my mind away from him. No matter how hard I tried. Work used to be my safe place, but now here he was standing in my office.

"I figured you must be famished considering you were supposed to leave here four hours ago." Sarah gave me a sly smile as Braxton spoke. I narrowed my eyes at her as she backed up and walked off. I returned my focus on Braxton as he sat a bag on my desk.

"Chipotle?" My stomach growled.

"Everyone loves Chipotle." He gave me a genuine smile and sat on the corner of my desk. "I really don't know how I can thank you enough for what you did for Neil."

"It's my job Braxton." I shrugged and took a huge bite of the delicious burrito that I held in my hands.

"Listen. I know that normally with stab wounds you guys generally do some digging and ask questions. Neil told me that you haven't said anything, you haven't even mentioned the possibilities."

"It's not my business. I'm not a detective, or a police officer. I fix people. If I wanted to get you guys into trouble I would have been a cop instead of a doctor." I took another bite. I was too busy working on everyone that I hadn't even realized I was so hungry.

"Aren't you curious?"

"Of course. Especially since you were involved and your knuckles are busted up." I rolled my eyes. Maybe he was right. He was no good for me.

"It was a bar fight. Some guys from a rival club started some shit, Neil tried to end it, and one of them pulled a knife on him."

"You don't owe me an explanation." I put my burrito down and looked up at him.

"I don't, but it feels necessary."

"Braxton. All these mixed signals are confusing me."

"I know Ainsley. I'm confused by all of this as well. Listen..." He paused and ran his hands through his hair. "You're an amazing person and I'm not, but I'm intrigued by you. I can't get enough of you. I don't even know you, but I want to. But at the same time I want to protect you from me. From the club."

"I don't need protecting." My breathing hitched and suddenly I didn't care about the club, or the danger, I wanted him.

"Neil's up and walking." Sarah peaked her head back in the office and gave me a look. I could have killed her in that moment. Stupid woman. Ruining my moment.

"Getting all cozy with the bad boy." Sarah whispered as we walked back to Neil's room.

"Shut it." I glared at her as she smirked in my face. It seems that here lately everyone was smirking at me.

"I feel great." Neil hugged me tight. "Thank you so much Ainsley." He smiled and hugged me again.

A swell of accomplishment and happiness filled my chest. This is what made all those late nights worth it. I sacrificed my social life for six years so that I could save lives, and it felt incredible.

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