Chapter Twenty Six

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Six months had passed and my belly was huge. I was about to pop and my due date was only a short two weeks away. Braxton had moved in with me completely and had put his house on the market. The club had settled down and for the first time since I had moved here; I felt completely safe.

Oh. And we were having a little boy. Still undecided on the name.

I stood in the nursery staring at the grey wall.

"It looks blue." I held my belly and looked over at Braxton who had just finished painting.

"It's grey." He ran a hand through his hair.

"But it doesn't look right." I frowned. "I wanted it to be more grey."

"It's because the stripes are blue. It brings out the blue in the grey." Braxton wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple. "But if you don't like it I'll redo it."

"Really?" I smiled and looked up at him.

"Of course." He kissed the tip of my nose.

Braxton had been such a trooper through everything. He went to every single appointment, came with me to all of my classes, and even supported all of my cravings.

"We'll let it dry and look at it tomorrow." I shrugged and waddled out to the living room where Hendricks was laying on the couch sleeping. I sat down on my oversized chair and put my feet up on the ottoman in front of me. I wrapped my arms around the underneath of my belly and lifted. My little guy had really taken a fancy to sitting on my bladder and it was killing me. I felt him turn as I lifted up on my belly.

"Are you hungry?" Braxton sat on the ottoman and looked at me.

"I'm tired." I admitted.

"I have stuff to do at The Clubhouse, why don't you take a nap I'll be back in a couple of hours with food and maybe a surprise."

"Okay." I nodded my head as my eyes got heavy and started to close. He kissed my forehead and left. I grabbed my favorite fuzzy throw blanket and snuggled up underneath it. Hendricks moved to sleep on the ottoman beside my feet. Within minutes I was passed out.

"Shit!" I woke up abruptly when my first contraction hit. "Ohhhh." I groaned and tried to sit up. I couldn't tell if these were Braxton Hicks contractions or the real thing. Speaking of Braxton where the hell was he? I remembered my doctor saying something about drinking water and lifting my feet up. Once the pain had subsided I grabbed a glass of water and went back to the ottoman. I called my mom who had bought a house down here as soon as we told them we were pregnant.

"Mom! I think I'm having contractions."

"I'm coming!" She hung up the phone. I called Nina next.

"Hey sweetheart." She answered.

"Nina. I'm having contractions." The next one hit and I dropped the phone and groaned. This one was even worse. I chugged the water but that didn't help at all. I stood up and started to walk in circles. Holding my belly and taking deep breaths. My mom and Nina came busting through the door at the same time. Just as they walked into the living room the third one hit. They had gone from ten minutes apart to eight.

"Owwwweeee." I yelled and braced myself on the back of the couch.

"Let's get you to the hospital." My mom grabbed one arm as Nina grabbed the other.

"Yeah." I nodded my head quickly and tried to steady my breathing. "My bag is by the door with the diaper bag." We waddled towards the foyer. As my mom grabbed my bag another contraction hit and I felt the rush of fluid between my legs.

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