Chapter Seventeen

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I stood in the kitchen with flour strewn all over the place. Why had I agreed to this? Because you're an idiot that's why. I dropped the homemade pasta into the boiling water. Hendrix was laying by my feet chewing on his bone.

"Buddy. You're kind of in the way." I crossed my arms and smiled down at my puppy who wasn't really a puppy anymore. He barked and then went back to chewing his bone. "Sassy." I laughed and poured olive oil into the pasta water. I made a mental note to get his training back on schedule. I turned on my surround sound system and scrolled through my songs that were displayed on the touch screen that was mounted on the wall by my fridge. This was one of my favorite things about this house. I picked my new favorite song and pushed play.

"Is it too late now to say sorry, cause I'm, missing more than just your body." I sang along to Justin Bieber as I pulled the bread out of the oven. Yum. I inhaled. After I strained the noodles I started the cheese raviolis. As the cheese raviolis boiled I cleaned up the kitchen and changed into my favorite faded skinny jeans, and a black fitted long sleeved v neck that showed off my ample cleavage. I stared at all of my heels but decided to go barefoot instead. I let my wavy hair out of the clip and flipped my head a couple of times to give it more volume. I walked back towards the kitchen and strained the raviolis.

"Hey baby." Braxton appeared behind me with a bouquet of pink roses. My favorite.

"For me?" I grinned.

"For you." He kissed me. I put them in a vase and started the meat sauce. "Anything I can help you with?" He ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"You can set the table." I sprinkled seasonings into the meat sauce and stirred.

"Okay." He kissed my cheek and left the kitchen. Hendrix still hadn't moved from his spot. I put the noodles in one bowl, and the cheese raviolis in a separate bowl. I carried them to the table where Braxton was layering the different colored plates. I smirked.

"You become more domesticated every day."

"It's your fault." He chuckled and put the wine glasses on the table.

"And I take full responsibility." I bumped him with my hip and walked back to the kitchen. The meat sauce started to simmer so I popped the bread back into the oven to warm it up. The door bell rang.

"Can you get that." I yelled out. I sliced the bread and put it on a platter. I carried the platter and the pot of sauce towards the table where Natalie was standing extremely close to my man. I put the food on the table. Hendrix followed me into the dining room and came to a complete halt when he saw Natalie. His hackles stood up and he started growling. She jumped back from Braxton and squeaked.

"Heel boy." He sat down and continued watching her with attentive eyes.

"Natalie." I smiled. "Would you care for some wine?"

"Absolutely." She purred. "I do love a good wine." She licked her lips and looked at Braxton with hooded eyes. Bitch. My dog just tried to eat you.

"Perfect, would you like a Moscato, Cabernet, Pino Noir or anything else? I have just about everything in my wine cooler." I could tell that Natalie was the type of woman who didn't know much about wine and I was always down for some humiliation.

"Cabernet." She gulped. I smiled.

"I'll go get the bottle." I walked back to the kitchen and grabbed my driest Cabernet Sauvignon. Most people hear Cabernet and think sweet red wine. What they don't realize is that Moscato is the sweet wine. Cabernet is bitter and has almost no added sweetener. I poured her a glass and sat it in front of her before taking my seat. I took a long swig and sat my glass down.

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