Chapter 3

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I wake up to see my beautiful princess asleep I don't want to wake her so get off of the bed gently and walk to the kitchen, I make pancakes eggs and bacon to top it all off I hear someone walk over to the kitchen and there I see a tired Crystal with knots in her hair and her eyes bearly open. "Morning princess I made you breakfast" I say "I know I can smell it" she mumbles "yeah you hungry?" I ask "yeah my stomachs growling" Crystal says which made me smile I handed her the plate of food and she ate it all and drank her orange juice she looks so cute when she's hungry she looks like a dog when she's hungry it's cute.

"So babe what do you want to do today" I say breaking the silence at the table "don't call me babe ever again!!" she yells what's up with her I thought she was being cool but if she wants to bitch fine be a bitch, I'll make you my bitch. "What did you say?!" I yelled I'm not going to let her act this way towards me "I said don't call me babe you ass whole, you know what why don't you give me my life back you sick fuck you beat the shit out of me and then try and act like nothing happened, god your so fucking bi polar and sick I hate you!!!!" she yells okay she crossed the line there she gonna get what she deserves.

"What did you say you little slut? Do you really want to do this with me this early in the morning bitch cause I can!!!" I yelled my jaw was clenched my eyes looked dark and my fists were clenched she already pissed me off I could tell she was scared cause she gulped down her spit and she was shaking. I got off the table and grabbed her by her neck and pushed her against the wall choking her. "Now Crystal baby you really need to think about what you say, you wanna know why cause you get punishments that you really don't want!!!!" I yell in her face she was already crying.

I banged her head against the wall and kneed her in the stomach and face then I threw in a couple of punches and took a knife and slid it across both her arms and her right cheek on her face. I finished her punishment and kissed her and left her there to think about what she did. "Now think about what you say bitch!!!" I say and spit on her. I hate making her feel this way I really love her but I just can't let people talk to me that way.


I couldn't take this I was just mad I just started my period and I can't control my period,he beat me up so bad I look so bad my face has bruises now I have a black eye my stomach hurts and my arms were bleeding my right cheek was bleeding. What is wrong with him he needs to see a therapist "god what did I do to deserve and of this, just let me die already I rather die then be tortured I want to diealreadygod" I say and cry on the floor. I see Cameron he looked sad he probably felt bad, but I don't care I'm not going to forgive him after this. He dragged me by my hair which caused me to cry he told me to undress my self which I had no choice but to, and he handcuffed me to a chair and put a bandana over my mouth.

He licked and sucked my neck leaving a hickie "your all mine and after this you'll no whose yours" he says then smirks what's he gonna do fuck me again? He takes a lazer and shocks me with it on my boob which causes me to scream and he smiles tears running down my cheeks this was so painful. He does it to my left boob and I scream even more "whose yours!!!!" he yells I don't say anything cause I hate him he sticks the lazer in my leg now and shocks me I whimper more and tell him to stop but he doesn't listen I cry harder because of the pain. "Crystal whose yours!!!" he says shocking me even more I couldn't take it anymore. "You are Cameron you are!!!!!" I yell I was just sick of the pain the shocks hurt like hell.

"That's what I thought bitch, oh and go wash up we have guests coming over I don't want them seeing you like this, even though they already know." he says leaving me in the basement "how a-m I g-onna t-ake a shower i-f I-m still hancuffed to this chair?" I stuttered okay now I'am really scared of him. He unlocks the handcuff and I put my clothes back on. And I limp upstairs, I picked out a flowered tank top and jeans. Then I got my panties and bra and headed to the bath room, I sey my clothes down by the sink and I undress myself. I enter the shower and turn it on letting the warm water touch my body I take the sponge and wash my body, then take the shampoo and run my fingers through my hair and rinse that off then put the conditioner in my hair. I wait a minute and rinse off the conditioner.

I hop out of the shower and take the towel and wrap it around my hair then I dry off my body and put my clothes on, I put on just a little bit of perfume and I was done. I walk to the room to see Cameron laying on the bed and watching tv. "How as your shower babe?" he asks I really don't like that he calls me babe but I didn't want him to beat me up again. "I-it w-as good" I stuttered yes I'm stuttering a lot cause I'm scared of him now.


"Well I brought your makeup and stuff it's in that bag" I say "o-h th-ankyou" Crystal says why is she stuttering so much she never stuttered this much before? "Is there something wrong babe?" I ask "n-othing is wrong Cam" Crystal says I know there is something wrong I sense it but I'll stop asking. She goes back the bathroom to do her hair and makeup. I just call up Nash to ask him when everyone is coming over. "Hello?" Nash says "hey Nash what time are you guys coming over?" I ask "in about an hour why?" he asks "oh because girl is getting ready" I say really Cam another one this one is probably gonna die just like all the rest of your little captures" Nash says "shut the fuck up this was is actually calm at times" I say "yeah at times I'm telling she's not gonna live for long" Nash says "whatever see you then" I say "see yah" Nash says

I hear her walk out of the bathroom, she looked beyond gorgeous my eyes widen holy shit she's hot. "I-s t-here s-omething wr-ong Cam" she stuttered "nothing it's just wow, wow I can't even" I say "d-o I lo-ok bad?" she asks "no you look great babe" I say and smile "th-ank you Cam" she says and smiles "your welcome beautiful" I say and kiss her cheek.

I heard the door bell ring "that must be them" I say running to the door. "what's up guys" I say greeting them in "what's up Cam" they all say.


Whose them? I walk downstairs to see a lot of boys they were all good looking to be honest. "Is this the girl Cam?" a boy with blue eyes says "yeah that's her" Cameron says "damn Cameron she's hot" he says I blush at his comment then I spot my brother Taylor. "Taylor!!" I say I thought my brother died years ago but he's been alive since I run up to him and hug him. "Crystal?'' he says

Okay so this chapter was crazy, and yes Taylor is Crystal's brother what do you think is gonna happen next? Told you this chapter was gonna crazier than the first let me know y

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