46. ( part 5 )

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Justin-"What do you wanna do today? This weekend is officially about us."

You-"Just us?"

Justin-"Yep. No interruptions."

A smile appeared across your face.

You-"What do you wanna do?"

Justin-"I don't know, what do you wanna do?"



You let out a sigh.

You-"Stop mocking me."

Justin-"Stop mocking me."

You-"Justin, I'm serious."

Justin-"Justin, I'm serious."



You-"No more kisses for you."

Justin-"No more... wait what!"

You-"I told you to stop mocking me but you didn't so no more kisses for you."

Justin-"No! You can't do this to me. Your lips are my biggest weakness. I can't keep my lips off of them. Is this the end? I feel like the world is slowly ending."

You softly giggle and shake your head.

You-"Anyways, let's go to the beach. I haven't been to it in a while."

Justin-"Ok but first, I need a kiss."

You roll your eyes and peck his lips. As you're about to walk away Justin grabs your arm and stops you.

Justin-"One more. Please.

You smile and you peck his lips again.

Justin-"Good girl."

You roll your eyes and walk upstairs.

*Minutes later*

You and Justin where both walking along the beach hand in hand.

Justin-"Why are you so beautiful."

You-"My mom, Dad and a bed."

A chuckle escapes his lips.

You-"I'm really lucky to have someone like you. A guy that makes me feel special and beautiful. A guy that loves me from me, not for sex. I've been looking for that guy for a long time and I finally found him."

Justin-"And where is he?"

You stop walking and you stand infront of him.

You-"He's right in front of me."

You get on your tippy toes and you press your lips to his. Suddenly, you feel your phone vibrate. You sigh and pull away from the kiss.

You-"Sorry. One sec."

You grab your phone and unlock it to see that you had gotten a text from your good friend Selena. You open the text and read it. Selena-"Hey *yn*. Its me, Selena. I'm having a party at my place tonight and I was wondering if you and Justib could come. Let me know hun. "

You lock your phone and look back up at Justin.

Justin-"What's wrong?"

You-"Nothing. It was just Selena."

His facial expression quickly changed.

Justin-"Um, w..what did she want?"

You-"Well, she's having aprty tonight and she wants us to come."

He's stares at you with a bare look, not making any movements.


He didn't move. You snapped your fingers infront of his face.

You-"Hello! Earth to Justin!"

He quickly snaps out of it and looks at you.

You-"You ok?"

Justin-"Yeah, tell her we'll be there."

-part 6 next-

pleeeeeeeeeease don't kill me for not updating in forever :((( I'm working on a J. Cole fanfic :)))

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