37. ( For Katrina, @biebslovexox )

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·Your pov·

"Did I really have to come here with you?" you groaned and looked over at your close friend Elena. "Um, yes," she quickly said as you two both entered the huge ice skating rink. "Elena I'm really not up for this right now," you sighed and ran your fingers through your hair as you both walked over to the small booth arm in arm. "I'm not gonna let you beat yourself up over some guy," she shook her head and looked at the blonde haired boy standing at the booth with blue eyes. "Hey. What size may I get for you beautiful ladies today?" the guy asked and smiled, revealing his pearly whites. Oh the things we'd do for perfect teeth like that. You blushed at his comment and looked down at the ground. "Size 7 please and 6 for my friend here," Elena spoke up and the guy nodded his head. The guy turned his back to find you guys some skates, causing Elena to nudge you with her elbow. You snapped your head towards her and she smirked, referring to the fact that you were blushing over the guy's compliment. You playfully rolled your eyes and nudged her back, returning your attention to the sweet boy that had brought your skates. "Here you go ladies. Size 7, he gave Elena her skates. "And...a size seven for you beautiful," he said and winked at you. You blushed once again and grabbed your skates. "Thanks," you smiled at him. "Th-" Elena was about to say until a loud voice interrupted her. "What's up babe," the guy who seemed to be her boyfriend Alex yelled and wrapped his arms around her waist, immediately attaching his lips to hers. You scoffed as you could've sworn you saw a little tongue involved. Next to Alex was a tall guy standing there staring at the two in disgust. He had the most warm brown eyes and pink plump lips. His light blonde hair ( Justin's a blonde now so yeah ) and brown roots was quiffed up perfectly and he was wearing a some grey sweats, a yellow Hollister hoodie, a yellow beanie, and a pair of skates. He had to be one of the most gorgeous guys in this place. His jawline itself could've possibly been created by a Greek God. He grabbed Alex by his ear and pulled him away from Elena who he was practically having sex with. "Please get a room guys," he said and let go of Alex's ear. "Sorry," Alex and Elena apologized. You looked at Justin then he looked at you then you looked at Elena awkwardly. "Oh! *yn*, this is Justin. Justin, this is my best friend *yn*!" Elena introduced you two and you looked at one another. "Hey," he smiled and extended his hand for you to shake. "Hi," you shyly said and shook his big warm hand. You let go of it and he smiled again, staring down at you. You looked at Elena and she let go of Alex's hand. "We're gonna get our skates on. We'll meet you guys at the rink," she offered and they both nodded. Alex pecked Elena's lips once more before walking off. Justin licked his lips as he gave you once last glance before leaving behind Alex. "He seems sweet," you smiled and looked at Elena. "He is. He's one of the sweetest guys I know aside from Alex but anyways, come on. Let's get our skates on," she said.

·10 minutes later·

"Oh my gosh," you gasped as you stepped foot onto the ice and looked at Elena. "I'm gonna fall and bust my butt Lena," you panicked. "You'll be fine," she giggled and called Justin over. "What's up?" he asked as he approached you two. "*yn* doesn't know how to skate!" She blabbed to him. "Elena!" you gasped and hit her shoulder. "What?" she asked as if she was oblivious. You sighed and shook your head. "No no no," Justin laughed. "It's cool. I'll show you. Come on," Justin extended his hand for you to grab but you didn't. You looked over at Lena and she nudged your shoulder. "Gooooo," she dragged and pushed you towards Justin. You sighed and grabbed his hand. He smiled and pulled you out onto the wrink. "I promise if I fall, it's your fault," you playfully threatened and he chuckled. "I promise you're not gonna fall. And if you do, I'll catch you," he promised and pulled you next to him, skating along the ice. You smiled to yourself and looked down at the ice, focusing on all of your moves but also the annoying butterflies in your stomach. You were beyond nervous for absolutely unknown reasons. "Why so nervous?" Justin asked and made a quick turn on the ice with you. "Psssh. Me? Nervous? No!" you quickly said, trying your best to not fall. "Ohhhhh. So you're a bad lair? Got it," he said and continued helping you skate. "I'm n- Oh my gosh!" you yelled as Justin let go of your hand and skated around you. "No stop! Justin I'm gonna fall!" You yelled and reached for him. He chuckled and grabbed your hand before you could. "Admit that you're nervous," he said and a humorous tone. "Maybe just a little," you sighed and held onto his hand tight. "Mhm. I thought so," he said smartly and put you in front of him. He grabbed your other hand in his and pressed his body up against yours. The butterflies in your stomach flew around freely and your heart almost fell out of your chest. You slowly looked over your shoulder at him and he looked at you. Your eyes melted into his warm brown eyes as his hand curled more into yours. It was as if fireworks were exploding above you and a million shocks were prickling your skin. "Go. Left foot first then right," he said lowly so only you could hear. You nervously nodded your head and pushed forward with your left foot first then your right, taking everything. You repeated the same thing without falling on your butt. "Mhm," Justin hummed into your ear and slowly skated along with you. You stopped moving your feet and Justin shook his head. "Nope. Keep going," you did as you were told and kept going. "What if I fall," you sighed. "You won't. You're doing good," he comforted you and rested his head on your shoulder. "Now go just a little faster," he said and you nodded, speeding up. "Good good good," he said and stared at you, burning holes through the side of your face. You blushed for like the hundredth time and made a quick turn, your hair blowing behind you. "What?" you asked, wondering why he was staring at you. "Nothing," he shook his head and removed his head from your shoulder. "Alright, I'm gonna let you go," he slowly said and let you slip away. Surprisingly, you were skating on your own. You weren't perfect but you were better than before. You smiled and skated around the rink. It was only for a second that you were having fun until someone else on the rink caught your eye. Skating across from you was your newly ex Damien whom you still had feelings for. Y'all had just broken up a few hours ago so of course. He was skating around with some girl on his arm. She was a little shorter than him and had long brown hair. Your heart cracked a little at the sight. Nice seeing him move on so fast. She laughed at something he said and through her head back. You frowned and slowed down your skating. You shook your head and decided to exit the rink but before you could, someone grabbed your hand and stopped you. You turned around to see Justin. "Hey. What's wrong?" he worried and you shook her head. "Come on. Just tell me. Please," he begged. "Well," you sighed and looked at your ex and his new girl. "My ex is here," you said quietly and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "He just dumped me and now he's here with someone else," you voice cracked at the end. Justin looked at him and shook his head. "Fuck that guy," he said and pulled you back onto the rink. "He looks like a douche anyways. He's not even worth the cheap ass skates we're wearing," he scoffed. You laughed loudly, catching Damien's attention. He looked over at you but you ignored him. "*Yn*?!" he yelled. Justin looked over at the guy then back at you. He smirked and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Go," he said again and you did just that, trying hard to skate away from Damien. "*yn*?!" Damien called even louder. "Wanna spin?" Justin asked, ignoring the guy. You nodded your head and Justin spun around, bringing you with him. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Oh my gosh," you said and he put his hands on your hips. "Again!" you yelled like a child and he chuckled, spinning again. "*yn* I know you hear me!" the voicd continued yelling, getting closer. "Someone tell this clown to fuck off," Justin bitterly laughed and pinched your waist. "Just....just ignore him," you sighed. "Can't. He's coming over," Justin said. "*yn*, didn't you hear me?!" Damien said approaching you. "No no no," you whispered and threw your face into Justin's warm muscular chest. "Why why why?" you groaned and Justin chuckled. "Who the hell are you?" Damien asked Justin. "Someone that's not scared to kick your ass man. Back off," Justin threatened. "Try me," Damien challenged. Justin shook his head. "Move on man and let her have fun," Justin begged, obviously not wanting problems. You buried your head deeper into his chest, actually feeling pretty comfortable. "I don't want any problems," Damien spat. "Then go away. Don't you have another female to attend to?" Justin said smartly and you smiled. Damien shook his head and skated away. "That's right clown. Walk away," Justin said and removed your head from his chest. "He's gone now," He said. "Thanks," you smiled. "Mhm," he mumbled and leaned down, quickly pecking your lips. You gasped and stared at him. "Shit," he mumbled. You looked at him wide eyed in shock. He squeezed his eyes closed shut and shook his head repeatedly. You awkwardly stood there and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. You actually....didn't mind the kiss. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-" "No no. It's fine," you interrupted him. "I um...." you trailed off before leaning up and pressing your lips to his. You melted on the inside as his lips slowly melted onto yours. He put his hand on your back and pulled you closer to him and grabbed your chin in his hand. You pulled away from the kiss and he slowly and gently pecked your lips. "Oh my..." you whispered with your eyes still closed. He licked his bottom lip and stared down at you. "Can I kiss you again?" he whispered while caressing your chin between his fingers. "Uh huh," you weakly said and he smiled before kissing your lips once again. "Yassss bitch!" a loud squeaky voice interrupted you. You opened your eyes and saw Elena standing there with Alex. "Yes bitch! Get some!" Elena squealed. You blushed and hid your face into Justin's chest again. For once you were finally actually happy.

The End!

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