30. ( part 4 )

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"Why do you have to be such an ass hole?!" you yelled in his face. "Why can't you just obey my wishes and not go against everything I say?!" He shouted with pure hatred in his eyes. "He was my friend! You had no right to do that!" You yelled in his face. "He was a threat to our relationship so I got rid of him." He said through gritted teeth and got in your face too. "But you can have female friends and get cozy with them?!" You questioned, a few tears escaping your eyes. "You can sit around and flirt with all of these whores but I can't have a cup of coffee with a guy whom I have no feelings for?!" You yelled and shoved him. He stumbled a little and looked at you, his eyes darkening and turning to their unnatural color. Red. "That guy liked you as more than a friend *yn*!" He yelled, his voice getting louder. "There was nothing going on between us and you just had to butt in! You're such a dick Justin!" You spat and brung your hand up to his face again. Before your hand could collide with his face, he tightly grabbed your hand and slowly twisted it all the way around. You gasped as the bones cracked in your hand. "Justin!" you screamed, nothing but severe pain taking place in your hand. He stared at you with no regret. Nothing but anger. You screamed as he squeezed your hand tighter and twisted it even more. His face was red. His eye balls were black and his pupils were dark red. His nostrils were flared and his jaw was clenched. You let a few tears slip down your face before pushing his chest with all of the vampire strength you had. He let go of your hand as he flew back and landed on the cold hard floor. You looked down and grabbed your broken hand with your other hand. "Damn it!" you yelled in pain as you popped your bones back into place. The pain immediately went away. Justin picked himself up from the floor and launched towards you. He grabbed you by your neck and threw you across the room. "Bitch!" he yelled. You landed on your back on the hard floor. "Shit." you mumbled in pain but quickly got up, the pain going away immediately. That's one good thing about being a vampire. The physical pain immediately goes away. You ran towards him and pushed him once again, causing him to fly across the room. He landed onto the wall but ended up the ground. You ran to him and climbed on top of him, nothing but anger present in the both of you. You brung your fist to face, hitting him in the face repeatedly. "You do not fucking own me Justin!" You yelled and continued decking him in the face with your bare hands. I didn't wanna do this but he's went to far. He bent my last straw. I wasn't about to take shit from him. He groaned and quickly flipped over, landing him on top. He wrapped his hands around your neck and squeezed, hard. He lifted your head before banging it against the hard floor as you struggled to breath. You didn't give in. You wrapped your arms around his neck and fought back. "Get your hands from around my fucking neck." He seethed. "Get your hands from around my neck." You whispered, not really able to breathe. Your face began to turn red and you became light headed. You squeezed his neck as hard as you could, causing him to finally let go. You lifted him off of you by his neck and stood up with your hands still wrapped around his. My strength is just off the roof today. You ran his face into a wall before letting him fall down to the floor. Considering the fact that he was a very old vampire with way more strength than others, he simply picked himself up without a problem. His face was busted up. His lips was bleeding and he had a red mark on his jaw. Guilt immediately took over you. I really just did that to him. You looked at him and he stared at you, both of you furious and wanting nothing more than to be out of each others faces. For a split second, I was actually proud of myself. He deserved it after all of the shit he's done. It was time for someone to put him in his place. But then again, I love him and I couldn't bare to ever see him hurt. "I should have daggered you when I had the chance." He lowly spoke without any regret. "I should have staked you. I should've drove that wood through your heart and watched you die. I should've thrown you in that cage and let you rot but I didn't because maybe... just maybe... I might actually love you but you fail to see that. You fail to see that I'm crazy about you and love no one but ." You softly spoke, now to the point of actually crying. "Well I don't love you." He spat with venom. You didn't say anything. You just stared at him with nothing but hurt and anger. You shook your head and walked out of the room.

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