48. ( part 7 )

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• Cheater Justin ( part 7 ) •

You and Justin had both finally arrived at Selena's place. It was huge and beautiful, like a mansion, which it was. Justin turned off the car and got out. He came to your side and opened the door.


He smiled and you got out. He closed the door. He grabbed your hand and you both began walking over to Selena's house or should I say, mansion. You opened the door and you both walked inside. Music was blasting and people where dancing. You looked to your right and saw Twist, Za and some other people drinking and dancing.

Twist-"Aye!! Yo Justin!"

Za and Twist both approached you and Justin.

Za-"Aye Justin. My man."

Justin-"What's up bro."

They both did their manly hug and Twist and Justin did their hand shake. Twist and Za both turned their attention to you.

Za-"What's up *yn*."

Twist-"What it do?!"

You softly giggled.

You-"What's up guys."

They both gave you a hug.

Twist-"Y'all know the routine. Drinks are over there, sexy girls and loud music so...turn up!"

A chuckle escaped Justin's lips.

Za-"Alright! Have a good time love birds!"

They turned around and both walked away. You turned around and looked at Justin. You saw him looking at you from head to toe as he seductively licked his lips. You lifted up his chin with your thumb and index finger, causing him to look into your eyes.

You-"That's much better now let's dance."

He smirked and you both walked on to the dance floor. There were bodies every where ( currently listening to Can't Stop by my babe Miley ). The song that was playing was called "Beauty And A Beat" by, of course, Justin Bieber. You both started dancing and having a blast. Justin grabbed your hand twirled you around. You both sung along.

" 'Cause all I need is a beauty and a beat, that can make my life complete It's all 'bout you, when the music makes you move Baby do it like you do."

You both continued dancing until a new song started playing. It was called "Make It Nasty" by Tyga ( That song is the shit though so look it up ). Justin looked at you and bit his bottom lip. You smiled and turned around, your back facing him and your ass facing his crotch. Justin grabbed your waist and you started grinding against his crotch. A moan escaped his lips and his grip on your hips got tighter.

Justin-"Damn kitten." Your lips formed a smirk. After the song went off, Justin grabbed your hand and led you over to the hang out section. Twist, Za and a bunch of other guys where sitting on the long red couches drinking and smoking. Justin sat down on the couch. He patted his empty lap, signaling you to sit down on it. You sat down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around you.

Twist-"Yo Justin, smoking tonight?"

Justin-"Nah man, I'm good."


You-"I'll past."

Twist-"Suit yourselves."

Za-"Justin, so there's this hottie that's looking for you. I don't know her name but she wants you."

Twist and Za where both wasted. They where just fucked up.

Justin-"Tell her I'm already taken by my one and only true love."

He kissed your cheek and rested his chin on your shoulder. A smile appeared across your face. You soon heard a girl's voice.

Girl-"Aww, that's so cute."

You turned around and saw Selena standing there smiling.

Za-"That's her man! That's the hot chick that was looking for you. She wants you bro."

The smile on your face quickly dissappeared.

( Part 8 next )

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