Chapter Nine:: I'm Fucked

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"Gray!" Lockser whines for the fiftieth time today and I ignore him for the fiftieth time too. She finally grabs my arm and I look away, she grabs my face and inches closer to my face: Our faces literally 2 cm away from each other, forcing me to look into her blue eyes, "Look at me and answer me carefully, why have you been ignoring me for that past three days?"

I push her, "I wasn't ignoring you, I was just... I just have been refusing to take notice or acknowledge you."

"Hence, you are ignoring me," she says through gritted teeth, "Did I say something wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

No you didn't. But I glare at her one last time before storming off to the classroom. I make sure to slam the door close. As I sit down, the door opens revealing a glaring Lockser: everyone stiffens as she walks slowly to the seat beside me. For the rest of the class, I feel like she's trying to burn a whole on my skull using her glare. The bell finally rings for our small break.

Why am I mad at her anyway? You know damn well Gray, my conscience answers for me. But it's not her fault that she likes Lyon Vastia. Damn right it's not her fault! But I was her first love and she said she'll be waiting for me, damn liar! And I met her first too.

"You know what I hate the most?" I turn in surprise to Lockser, and what's more surprising is that she's talking to a trembling Lucy.

"W-what?" Lucy stammers.

"When people say they'll be friends with you and even promise that they'll deal with all your bullshit but in the end they leave you without giving you any fucking reason," she says gazing at Lucy who's now a bit relaxed, he glances at me then back to Lucy, "I mean, if he doesn't want to be your friend anymore, then they should just tell you straight instead of ignoring you and making you feel like you've done something wrong."

"Oh," Lucy says nodding, "Why, what's happened?" I glance at Lucy who's surprisingly relaxed.

"Oh some fucking retard told me he's be my friend and now he's ignoring me like I'm some kind of disease," she says talking to Lucy as if she's her friend. What the hell- am I jealous of her making new friends now? "Well I guess being a disease is better because at least they don't act like they want you when they don't. That way you won't end up hurt. Y'know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I have friends who act like they like me when in fact they don't," Lucy says sighing, "and it hurts."

"Tell me about it," Lockser rolls her eyes before glancing at me, "So you know how I feel."

"Yup," she says popping the P.

"We should be friends, I'm Juvia Lockser," Juvia says offering a hand to me and everyone else's surprise. Lucy takes a moment before smiling kindly and taking her hand.

"Lucy Heartfilia," she says.

"So what do we have right now?"

"Health," she replies, "You weren't here last time, right? We're supposed to be presenting what a healthy relationship looks like with a partner."

"Oh, do you have a partner?" Lockser asks and Lucy nods apologetically, "Damn, I don't have a partner-"

"Gray practically told everyone that you're partners," Lucy says and I turn red as I feel Lockser's gaze, "I'm still waiting for Natsu, my partner. He's still in the washroom." Probably taking a really big dump.

"Oh, what a really nice man you are, Gray," I flinch at the tone. The first time she called my by my first name but her tone is full of venom, "We should get started," she says and moves to sit in front of me, "So, Gray, how are we gonna show what a healthy relationship looks like."

You're still mad at her, I tell myself, But for no reason. Argh, I'm going crazy! 

"Well, I wrote down scenarios we could show how a healthy relationship looks like. One could be not being so overprotective..." I continue to blabber but not thinking about what I was saying. All I could think of is how I wish this would soon be over, "How about you, d'you maybe have any idea how we could show a healthy relationship."

"Well, first off they should talk, one shouldn't be ignoring the other one like some kind of idiot," she says, but I know it's directed at me, "That makes the other one feel like shit."

"That's great, we should do that too," I say, "I have an idea-"

I feel a punch on my cheek and everyone gasping.

"Juvia Lockser!" The teacher cries whilst gaping and glaring, "To the principal's office, now!"

"You!" Lockser yells not paying attention to the teacher yelling for her to go to the office, she glares at me and I put my hand over my red cheek as I glare back at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell, "Why would you fucking punch me?!"

"Gray Fullbuster!" The teacher cries again, "Go pay the office a visit." Is she aware that no one is listening to her?

"Why are you ignoring me?! If you don't want to talk to me ever again then I receive an explanation you fucking retard!" She says and I see a tear escaping her eyes. I stiffen, one of my weakness is seeing someone -whether a boy or a girl- cry, "Don't treat me like I'm some kind of disease!"

"Don't you know what your doing to me?!" I yell back unexpectedly. She was about to punch me again when a big buff guy with a long black spiky hair named Gajeel Redfox and another buffed blonde guy named Laxus grabs her arms. 

"Let go of me, dammit!" She snaps and tries her best to get them off them, "Fuck you, Fullbuster! If you hate me just tell me, don't act like that and make me feel like shit!"

"I don't hate you!" I raise my voice.

"Stop it, both of you and go to the office right now!" The teacher says but Lockser and I don't let go of our glares.

"Yes you do!" She yells again. 

I feel everyone fading as my heartbeat beats faster, and no it's not romantic. It happened because I'm mad. I'm frustrated, angry! Why can't it be me? Didn't she said she'll wait for me? Wasn't I her first love? Why does she like Lyon Vastia? 

"No, I don't!" I yell again, "You don't know how I feel so don't make judgements!"

"If you don't then why the hell are you ignoring me like this-"

"Because I like you!" I yell, cutting her off and glaring at her, "And I'm so fucking pissed that you like someone else when you told me you'd wait for me, when you told me that you'd wait to hear me say it and when you told me that I was your first love!"

Did I just confess in front of the whole class? Yes, I just did. Can someone just kill me? Right now.

I feel myself turning red as she looks at me surprised. She looks at me like she can't believe those words came out of my mouth, so does everyone else. Everyone's quiet, just staring. I did the best thing I could think of: Dash out of there and never show myself in front of everyone.

I told her. 

I told her!

I told her?

I told her?!

In front of everyone.

In front of everyone!

In front of everyone?

In front of everyone?!

I told her in front of everyone.

I told her in front of everyone!

I told her in front of everyone?!


I'm fucked.

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