Cast Call Results -

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It was very hard to choose. I mean, I only need 3 friends. But, I bumped it up to 4 :) Just cause I'm nice like that. Lol < < Just kidding. But, on to the results.

Friend (1) : @iBeCoCoaBicch [I loved your bio. I mean, everyone says their cold hearted, but you have a good explanation on why! I loved it! And you're personality is great.]

Friend (2) : @MindlessDeda [Everybody wants to be rich. But, you just want to have friends that see beyond that. *Prinze10 Voice* I like dat.]

Friend (3) : @iSkittles [Girl, you're always auditioning for my stories and I love that! You supported every story I've written so far. Anyway, your personality seems great for the story.]

And last, but no least. . 

Friend (4) : @AyooMb [Your bio matches Prema's. You were bullied (I dunno if true or not.) And Prema was bullied, so you two will be the closet in the story.]

Bully: The only one that signed up :) @BeezWithMB

ATTENTION: If you were not picked for the story, don't fret. THere's always a sequel, and. . Besides. . I might just include you in the story. So look out for your name ad don't be bummed that you didn't get picked!

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