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I didn't expect you to be gone this long.
I thought you would have come back by now.
I can't wait for your stories of this trip.
The cackling of the whole team.
I can almost hear it.
And the sound of a group of shoes hitting the gravel in packs.
The wordless conversations while you're trying to catch your breath.
I want you to describe all of the weird quirky traits of your teammates,
and those that you found out about yourself.
Tell me what you were thinking about those three nights that you couldn't fall asleep.
Tell me what your personal best is,
I'd sure as hell be impressed because I don't
run for a sport.
Tell me about the storm that passed by you.
Tell me what you and the team talked,
yelled rather,
about when you were running.
Tell me about the pranks that went on, because I know for a fact that there were some.
And lastly, just tell me if you had fun.
I want to know what happened in the week that you were gone.

You've been gone for a while
and I truly miss you.

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